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Author Topic: Mac save location, and Windows saves on Mac  (Read 9230 times)

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Offline Delmion

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Mac save location, and Windows saves on Mac
« on: March 11, 2011, 06:04:10 am »
I could use some help.  I'm trying to fiddle around with game saves.  On a Windows version of it, I know where to find the things in order to move them around, back them up, et cetera.  Not so much on Mac.

Is there a single easy-to-access place to find the saves in the Mac version?  If so, is it possible to move saves between Windows and Mac versions?  (The versions in question are the most recent ones downloadable from the Humble Indie Bundle.)

Thanks in advance, even if the answer is "you can't get there from here"!


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Re: Mac save location, and Windows saves on Mac
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2011, 06:48:22 pm »
Mac saves should be located under "Library/Application Support/Aquaria/save" in your home directory, and yes, the same save files should work on both Windows and Mac (but make sure to also copy the screen-NNNN.zga file for a save slot if you want the screenshot to show up in that slot).

Offline Delmion

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Re: Mac save location, and Windows saves on Mac
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2011, 10:24:22 pm »
Oh, excellent!  I have now fiddled around and gotten it to transfer saves.  I'm not sure I understand how the Mac system works, though:

There seem to be two "Library/Application Support" folders, one reached promptly through the HD and one reached through the relevant user in the "Users" folder.  Aquaria is in the "Applications" folder directly on the HD.  The saves are in the "Library" folder in the user's folder.  This split kept me from connecting the two for awhile.

Is this how it's supposed to work?  Thanks for your help.


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Re: Mac save location, and Windows saves on Mac
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2011, 04:52:07 am »
Yes, this is correct. Saved games, preference settings, etc are user data. That is, data created by your user, for your user. It is not expected to be accessed by other users of your computer - while the application itself is available to everyone, each user will have their own saved games and preferences. The Library folder in the root of your HD stores global data, available to all users.

I understand programs on Windows are expected to behave similarly, and Windows 7 can in fact force files to be stored in the user domain when an application tries to write to the Program Files folder (which of course causes no end of confusion).

Offline Delmion

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Re: Mac save location, and Windows saves on Mac
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2011, 06:18:24 pm »
Sorry for not replying sooner; Spring Break attacked.  Thank you for the information.
