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Author Topic: Questions  (Read 5873 times)

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Offline Yaripon55

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« on: April 06, 2010, 02:13:47 am »
Hi, I finished the game and I have some questions:

Question 1: What happned to Naija and his mother?

Question 2: You are going to make Aquaria 2?(plese answer yes)

Question 3: Where I can learn all I need to make a good mod?

Please answer me.

Offline Zoko

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Re: Questions
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2010, 03:14:00 am »
Question 1: What happned to Naija and her mother?

Mia trapped Naija into the crystal that is shown on the title screen, you (her son) find a way to access her memories, which is basically what the entire game is.

Question 2: You are going to make Aquaria 2?(plese answer yes)


Although it is probable that Alec and Derek are going to get together to make something later on, perhaps Aquaria 2,  it won't happen anytime near as soon as you would like it to be.

However, they are working on their own various projects. In particular you might want to check out Marian, a game Alec is making with his new design team, Infinite Ammo.

Question 3: Where I can learn all I need to make a good mod?.

Try the mod section of this forum.
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