I've already taken down the Creator, and find more fun in the MODS. Only have I found two questions that I can't solve.
1st Form3??
my version of Aquaria is 1.1.1, and below the folder gfx\creator\ I found a folder named "form3"with images I've never seen before, so where is the Form3 of the creator ? I only found a ugly bug-like creature coming out from the creator's head, with no form3 available...
2nd Weird Cave??
while playing the Aquaria Native MOD, I accidentally clicked the option "Weird Cave" and entered an unknown zone with environment of the abyss... I've already found all treasure and defeated all bosses, and still can't I found this secret cave during normal playing. Where is it?? And is there any secret hiding in the cave??(What I've found is the two silly-looking funny fish...

p.s well...I've read the message.ALthough it's an Easter Egg, but where it is on earth??