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rukh egg
« on: June 06, 2009, 03:07:18 am »
Just a quick question: I finally got the rukh egg at the far right upward tunnel in the veil; suddenly it was easy after many unsuccessful tries. (Probably the new mouse. I love my mouse). Now, is that it, like a song plant,  or does the bird lay more when you leave the area and return? And where's the other rukh nest again? Got the legendary cake (yahoo); now I have two. Still struggling with the ice crab/shrimp boss. It would be festive  to have about 8 legendary cakes to get me through the body.
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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2009, 12:55:48 pm »
The bird re-spawns every time you leave the area and return.

There is a second rukh in the turtle cave. Go to the the upper most buble, where you also find the  Urchin armor,  (can only be done with hot soup+ beast form)  then, while still under the effect of the soup's speed, jump to upper the right, and you'll land somewhere near the other rukh. (this can be very tricky, wall jumping in a chimney is easier)

There are two more rukh below the one you've just gotten too. You can see them if you are next to them, in the upper half of the chimney,  (on a slope so Naija doesn't jump off) and then use the middle mouse button to look around. However, as far as I know, no one managed to get there yet, at least not repeatedly. Suggested ways are briar jumping from the halfway point, and brair jumping from the overhanging roof of the sun temple.
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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2009, 07:58:38 pm »
Thank you! I've been playing with getting to the rukh nest above the urchin armor; I can land on the side but immediately she jumps down; bad angle. The rukh gets all fussy but she is definitely safe from Naija at this point. I've never noticed the ones along the way; just evgetation. I think I am better off going to the right-hand passage now that I have a wondeful mouse and bothering the rukh there over and over, like I get turtle meat by going in and out of the song cave. When I have finished the game I will try the really hard one; even with beast form and a couple of royal soups I can't seem to land on the nest, despite dozens of tries. I will try briar-jumping there and in the sun temple to get to the bubble and the memory on the upper left. I can't seem to jump onto the gears that are going backwards long enough to move up. Thanks again, SevenMass.
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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2009, 11:45:48 am »
What I do to get to the turtle cave rukh, is beast+soup jump from the upper most bubble, if I do it from the right angle, she will land on a slope where she doesn't jump from. Then transform into nature form, and brair jump the last bit.

I'd wait with creating to many legendary cakes. You might find an other one from a song plant. But if you already have 8, that one will go lost.
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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2009, 06:26:52 pm »
I got the one from the song plant already. I now have 8 legendary cakes and 8 rukh eggs; thought I might need them in the body. The hardest part is jumping onto the egg to capture it; I have accidentally jumped off the cliff almost a dozen times. What a trip! But with all the food help I can't even kill that shrimp mantis guy in the bubble cave. Skewering him with the briars works fine but the bomb binding thing doesn't ever seem to work; it goes off at the wrong time and has yet to hit the crab/shrimp/lobster guy. I've been practicing briar jumping and am not good at it. I can't get up the last set of gears in the sun temple to the bubble and the memory; almost but not quite. When I finally get through the whole game I will try for the rukh egg above the turtle cave just to say I did it, but it sure is easier to cycle through the chimney and sun temple to get them from the far right (east) rukh passage. Thank you for the help! Love this game. I've never found a game so complex and satisfying.
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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2009, 03:09:10 pm »
Yeah, the bubble cave boss is the hardest in game. I think.
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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2009, 07:44:03 pm »
Yeah, the bubble cave boss is the hardest in game. I think.
The most irritating boss in the game is Simon (the Simon Says jellyfish boss). I spent almost an hour against him. ^-^

[EDIT]: The hardest boss (in terms of technique, not sheer time  :) ) was definitely the Mantis.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 09:18:15 am by Chibi »

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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2009, 10:22:02 pm »
Still can't get the bubble cave crab thing! I agree with you, SevenMass; at least the hardest so far. Got through the sunken city and first part of the Body; still can't kill the bubble crab. Chibi, Simon saved me by finally choosing only three notes in multiples, so it only took about six tries. I'm just not coordinated enough to get the bind-bomb-shoot briar-blast-crab-before the bound bomb blows in the wrong place; I have died so many times I can't count. Also am dying miserably in the Body, but I haven't freed Li yet and think I need to practice the Dual Form thing before venturing after the Bib Boss(es). Can't believe I got four rukh eggs with no trouble and now pretty much half the time I jump for the nest and go off the cliff! No matter how difficult, you can never say this game is boring!
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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2009, 06:17:57 am »
In terms of dying a lot, I would recommend a change in overall strategy.  Ten seconds of invincibility is not much, especially for the amount of work that goes into making the damn things.  What generally works best for me is having just loads of different +1, +2, and +3 health food items on hand, cheap easy things that I can stock up on anywhere and spam for health while pausing during boss fights.  Especially good is anything that gives health and regeneration or defense and regeneration, although regen. alone is still good to a lesser extent.  Hard bosses or areas get as much energy form shots in as short a time as I can put out; I perhaps had an easier time of this with a USB game controller, but you can take firepower boosters along to supplement that.

Two things I would recommend in particular:

For the mantis, stock up on lots of health items as I say, and then avoid binding the bombs at all.  By that time, I had the jellyfish suit, and I would just let the middle bomb come down and hit me, making it explode, just after I had fetched him down with a briar pillar.  If I got low on health, I could just hang near the bottom of the bubble and avoid the bombs for a bit.  Coming to the forums after beating the game and reading about the "standard" way to beat him just sounds much, much trickier.  Really, once you get the jelly suit, any fight becomes a matter of patience and avoidance, if it doesn't wound your pride too much.

For training in dual form, here's a nice tactic:  Whenever there's a lull in the action, get into nature form and shoot three briar pillars at a wall.  Switch to dual form and shoot them; they count as kills.  Now you're charged and ready to go.  This works out particularly nicely in the Final Gauntlet, since they tend to set up points of high-numbers low-strength enemies in waves, interspersed with more heavy fire from a few bigger things.  The scream takes care of everything but the big guys, and brings them down to a few hits' worth of mop-up.

Edit:  Eh heh.... I totally didn't read any of the other threads you've posted, where most of this stuff has come up already.  Oh well!  : |
« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 06:22:51 am by Zeke »

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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2009, 09:22:24 pm »
Thanks, Zeke; yeah, finally got the bubble crab guy using jelly and shield; I had been almost getting him and not realizing it as he doesn't appear to take any damage until he falls apart after the third time. I used screams making briars for Li to get through the gauntlet but when I do it again I will quit wasting time screaming the abandon sun-faces away. I agree with you about the Legendary cakes; I've tried them three times and they don't do much of anything; ten seconds isn't enough, but I may try them again while trying to get the chest-head of the final boss, just in case I get zapped by that beam. I am fully stocked on health and defense items, but I sure use them up quickly in the body. It was great to be able to re-stock with the turtle before the gauntlet! Thanks again.
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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2009, 07:30:52 pm »
SevenMass  i've got to the place u mantioned,  so i've got all of the 5 eggs that are in the game. Gettin there was pretty easy using the briar jump from the opossite site, placed on the Sun Temple wall.  U just need to find the right angle to do the jump. Hmmm i've tried to to get to that place somehow from bellow, well it's impossible. And now i've read that the birds are respawning, well hahahaahah all my efforts to get that fifth and and hardest to get egg, were useless. Thank you for that information, it's the second time i'm playing that game (first was as soon as  when it camed out), so now i'm gonna get a lot of those eggs.

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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2009, 12:30:25 am »
Welcome to the forums, Solo! On a different note, try to read the dates of posts. It's been four months since SevenMass last posted on this thread. That's called gravedigging, and I did a lot of it when I was new.   ^-^

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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2010, 07:15:15 am »
The rukh at the tunnel & the turtle cave seems to be pies for me...the only hard cheddar is those nests beside the tunnel...I've reached them by the Native MOD...but still can't I find a way to climb up to there without any MOD tricks...the wall ends and is blocked by a waterfall... so I can't use natural form with huge plants to climb that thing.
(Now wondering about why all rukhs build their nests on such spots that are impossible to reach :'()
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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2010, 07:23:07 am »
Welcome to the forums, Solo! On a different note, try to read the dates of posts. It's been four months since SevenMass last posted on this thread. That's called gravedigging, and I did a lot of it when I was new.   ^-^

Hey, sometimes there's a really interesting topic that you have something to say about, and it just happens to be dead. Besides, these forum's formats make the dates harder to notice unless they're pointed out.

@ prestart, so blue aquatic sea chicks don't steal their eggs.  ;)
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Re: rukh egg
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2010, 07:39:23 am »
Welcome to the forums, Solo! On a different note, try to read the dates of posts. It's been four months since SevenMass last posted on this thread. That's called gravedigging, and I did a lot of it when I was new.   ^-^

Hey, sometimes there's a really interesting topic that you have something to say about, and it just happens to be dead. Besides, these forum's formats make the dates harder to notice unless they're pointed out.
Good point, actually.

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