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Author Topic: Garden of Ancients Mod  (Read 10259 times)

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Offline sonofmedb

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Garden of Ancients Mod
« on: February 28, 2010, 03:15:24 am »
I'm building a mod called "Garden of Ancients." It's a forest of sentient trees (like ours up on the surface) only underwater, with Naija. I am trying to fit it in with the storyline, possibly to make a sequel. Basically my idea is this: Naija, stuck in the crystal, is stripped of her powers. But the crystals are intelligent, and inform her that as they contain the memories of so many people, and as the Verse flows through and from them, they can transport her (mentally) anywhere in time or space. She learns the truth, discovers unknown things, and eventually escapes her confinement, with the ability to teleport  through time and space! Hooray! The Garden of Ancients is a forest of really ancient trees that know all of Aquaria's secrets, and only with their knowledge can she escape.
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Offline Glamador

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Re: Garden of Ancients Mod
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2010, 07:56:53 am »
Neat story, good background.  But what about the mod assets?  Have you got artwork or scripts in place?  A mod like this, focusing on trees and landscape, can only be as good as the artwork I think.

My Smash Bros. Brawl "Smash Card": http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a43/Glamador/WolfSignature.jpg

Offline sonofmedb

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Re: Garden of Ancients Mod
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2010, 03:02:17 am »
More story: Naija is imprisoned in the crystal, and she hears a deep, old voice, like it's been around forever.
"What?" she says. "Who are you?"
"I am the One Most Ancient. I have come to help you."
"How do you know my name?"
"The Creator told me."
"You know him?"
"I know him better than anyone else in the world. Even himself."
She pauses, slightly stunned at the idea. "How can you help me?"
"I and my brethren are the source of all Verse. We know things to do with it no one else does."
"I will tell my brother to pull you through."
She sees what looks like a tree limb, only ghostly, reach for her. She hesitates, and takes it in her hand. She is pulled...
...and she comes out through another crystal. The one in the Garden of Ancients. She finds herself holding onto what actually is a tree limb, and the tree is in front of her. She whispers, "Thank you." It does not answer.
She hears the voice, coming from the left. "Explore if you wish. Come here to me when you are done."
The player gets control then. When she gets to where the Ancient is, a new cutscene:

She swims in, and sees the Creator standing there, in child form, even more ghostly than usual, on the other side of a giant tree. The One Most Ancient.
It says, "I shall tell you a story..."
"Long, long ago, when the Creator had just  made Aquaria and lost his home, he planted a tree. He tended it every day and night, as it helped him take his mind off of his sorrow. Eventually, it was quite large, and it spoke to him. 'I am lonely. Could you make more like me?' He did so, planting a great many more. Soon the area grew lush and life-filled, and he tended them all every day, but his favorite was his first. Eventually, when they had all grown, some sort of energy began to flow from them. The most came from the first tree, but the others made some too. This was the Verse, and the Creator found that, with its help, he could do more. Much more. The first tree, however, asked him, 'Could you make something else? Like... a crystal?' The Creator obliged, creating a red crystal out in the garden (the trees could all see through eachother's eyes, so they all could see it). Strangely, the Verse seemed attracted to it, entering it, energizing it... a strange sort of intelligence seemed to reside in it... The Creator realized, somehow, that he would need to leave this place, and make more places, more red crystals. So he said goodbye to the trees, and sealed the garden off, so that no one with evil intent could get to it. He created new places, and the Verse flowed from the first crystal, through the others, and into each place he made, allowing anyone with knowledge of the Verse to access all of Aquaria, transcending space and time, even teleporting through space and time, with the crystals' help. All crystals could do these things, not just red ones. And, by the way, that first tree was me, and the others are the ones in the Garden today."
After this long tale, Naija now knew so much more...

This is as far as I've gotten yet in the story. I have no idea how to post in the folder that the mod is in, so help me please!
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Offline Yogoda

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Re: Garden of Ancients Mod
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2010, 08:43:59 pm »
This is as far as I've gotten yet in the story. I have no idea how to post in the folder that the mod is in, so help me please!

If you have something you want to share with us, I would suggest to create a dropbox account : http://www.dropbox.com/, download and install it, then put it in "My Dropbox/Public" and right clic on the item to have the download link.

Offline willowfish

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Re: Garden of Ancients Mod
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2011, 03:29:34 am »
is this mod still in progress it sounds pretty cool