Thank you! Yeah, I have eight of most great things like divine soup, royal and magic soup, healing and arcane poultices, tough cakes, turtle soup, spicy rolls, both pirogis plus the ingredients to make more, and I just got the extra cooking slot to make three ingredient stuff on the fly (Simon Says made it really easy finally). Four pages of foodstuffs. Just need to keep trying I guess; I'm not real good at dodging those big red balls. My mouse doesn't click right; need to press the clicker sometimes two or three times before it reacts, especially when I'm trying to fire and move at the same time; Naija just sits there and takes a hit because the mouse is bad. Also I'm not so hot at using the keyboard and mouse at the same time. My new mouse probably arrived while I'm in Portland this weekend and when I get home it will be waiting for me and Naija won't need to keep dying, although it's always pleasant to see her lovely face in close-up, much more beautiful than the little Naija body we see from a distance. If I weren't so bloody stubborn I wouldn't keep playing with a bad mouse, I would wait patiently for it, but I can't seem to stay away from this game.....