So I have now purchased Aquaria. Wooooo!
And I ran into a problem. I'm putting it in this thread instead of creating a new one because surely there must be one for this floating around, though I can't seem to find it.
Anyway, the issue is that settings imported from the demo are cursed. Cursed! It turns out that they lack such things as a "look" command, so when entering the full version for the first time I was mystified to find that my stern commands to "look" did nothing. Horribly, this problem also meant that going to the "key config" screen crashed the game with the message "Could not find actionInput: Look" every time.
I was forced to uninstall and then reinstall without importing my settings. My save files came across without incident, but a big incompatibility like this really should have been fixed, or at least I should have been warned somewhere that copying save files manually is safer.