Hi, great game, just bought the Steam version, only ran into one and a half bugs so far.
First one is that when I first start the game I get three errors, if I click OK on each of them and then maximize the game, it works fine.
camopus-ink: unidentified token:
dualform: unidentified token:
sunworm: unidentified token:
I only mention this first part because the second part is a game breaker. In what I think is the first dungeon, Song Cave, after the whole "It's a door with no doorknob" thing, I get a
playing animation on invalid layer: 0
And then it doesn't work. It stays minimized and every time you try to bring it back up it errors out again, same error.
Vista 64 bit, Steam version, if you need more info on my PC I'll look it up.
Thanks for your help!