I think people are having a lot of trouble with this boss simply because they're trying to hit the core when it's spinnig, which is something I believe you weren't supposed to be doing. First time around I tried to focus on the core myself and was completely dominated; but as soon as I discovered I could eat the red jellyfish everything clicked together and I beat him on my first try with this tactic - using no food at all, no Li and with Dumbo Octopus pet, which is like not having pet at all.
00 Energy Form. Shoot the core.
01 Core starts spinning. Switch to Beast Form.
02 Lasers appear. Move around the core along with them, eating the red jellyfish.
03 Lasers disappear, core should be stationary at this point, most if not all red jellyfish are dead.
04 GOTO 00
Piece of Sea Cake. As an additional bonus, eating tons of red jellyfish(and you will eat tons of them) replenishes your health.