Have you tried searching the forums? If not, I'll give you the gist below.
You need to travel to a network of caverns in the base of the main map. Once there, travel to the right where you'll find the Song Cave. Farther to the right are a few statues of the Cave's late inhabitants. If you right click on them, they'll show you where you need to sing the four symbols on a nearby wall. Once you open the door, go inside and swim to the blue crystal. Wait until the cutscene ends, and use your new song to lift off the rock at the " _ " of the small " -_- " shaped map. Sing the color of the egg within and reap the rewards (increased max health). When you think you're ready, go back near the entrance of Naija's home and check your map for angular, vertical tunnels (there should be one in the top left). Use the Bind Song to remove the rock blocking your path and prepare to deal (and receive) some serious firepower.
Good luck, and welcome to the forums, Notaclue!

If you need more help, feel free to ask. We are at your service.