I like a lot of what Uematsu has done, though I still consider him overrated. I was really impressed with Hitoshi Sakimoto's work on the FFXII soundtrack, actually. Seems like the trendy thing to do was bash it because it wasn't Uematsu, but I couldn't stop listening to it. Had it going at work for like 2 weeks straight, even went out of my way to order the big 4-disk collection with all the pretty art and everything. Still, Uematsu did some awesome stuff. I liked a lot of FFX's stuff, and though I didn't play FFVI until just a while ago,, it had some really great music. Wasn't quite as impressed with the game just because it's rough coming off of more modern RPGs just from a pacing standpoint. Old FFs sort of drive me crazy with all the random battles and such. VI had great characters, though, and so many memorable moments, it's hard not to love it.
I wish game music got more credit, though. There are so many amazing examples of wonderful game music that shouldn't have such a limited audience. The Oblivion soundtrack has me completely enthralled now even after listening to it over months and months, and I still go back and regularly experience the Silent Hill soundtracks. Silent Hill 3 is one of my all-time favorite OSTs. And I remember being younger and using a tape recorded to record the Secret of Mana soundtrack from my TV. Went to every area in the game and got all the music, including the end battle and everything, heh. It was a funny experience to buy the actual OST on CD years later.