Mirror's Edge is a 3d adventure-platformer game by EA and Dice. It's uniqueness comes from it's focus on getting through the environment (obstacles and such) instead of combat (although other games have also been coming out lately with a similar focus; see Portal) . It didn't sound like anything special until I went and checked out a few gameplay videos on youtube. First of all, let me say that the atmosphere is
amazing. The sleek, polished looking buildings reaching enormous heights and the street sounds below really deliver a feeling of the government-controlled utopian city that the game is set in. The footsteps and panting of the character as she runs through this world really draw you in, make you feel like you
are the runner. Controls-wise, the game is as simple as the 2-d platforming games of our youth, and it is at it's core, a platformer. Unfortunately, this game is only for xbox 360 and ps3, but fortunately for us computer people, there is a flash version of this game online, and I found it quite fun. Here's a link:
http://www.mirrorsedge2d.com/I'm probably not the only one who's heard of this one, so what do you guys think?