Not using Vista at work. Also not running it fullscreen, which means the minimize button on the window key push wouldn't work either.
Also Windows + Tab in Vista does the 3d tile flip thing, and that is not what I want either, as that's just yelling I'm hiding something.
At any rate we don't use Vista at work. Just XP Pro.
Run it in a window instead and use a big window that looks like work (whatever you are supposed to do) to Alt-TAB into.
This is what is currently being done. However the desktop is usually more cluttered than that. Instead of work arounds that can and could not work, a simple boss key would do fine.
Also the transparency does not matter either as it would be obvious something was getting hidden.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
Mush Man, thanks but as I've said before I'm not using Vista at work.
Also Alt + Tab does work in windowed mode in XP and Vista. (same in fullscreen)