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Offline thegamemaster1234

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thegamemaster1234's Mods -NEW More Costumes Pack-
« on: September 16, 2013, 03:04:23 am »
All mods should be available through the online mod database, but they can be found here as well if you want.

ALWAYS NAIJA PLUS (still called "Fix," but whatever, this sounds more appropriate)
I was looking at Trojan Pooh's Always Naija mod, and it's great, but I noticed a few things that didn't look so great, so I made a mod to fix all that (plus more).
There's plenty of changes, and takes up a lot of room to list them all, so if you want a list you can unpack the mod and read the readme.
A couple of examples are small changes like changing the color of Energy Form foot armor, or bigger things such as replacing the old Zero Suit with brand-new edits.

Always Naija Plus (Mediafire)

Trojan Pooh - for making the original Always Naija mod
Alphasoldier - for making the Nude and Zero Suit mods that were used to make this one, along with the Costume Mod which helped during development
Alec and Derek - for making this amazing game!

This adds the 4-arms thing that Daxar didn't do for the original mod, found here: http://www.bit-blot.com/forum/index.php?topic=4228.0
All forms and costumes supported!

Note that I have not updated this version with the new mod image available in the mod database version.

Alien Naija Plus (Mediafire)

v1.0 - All costumes, all forms (besides Fish, but that's not a big deal)

Echolocating - for the original concept art
Daxar - for the original mod
Fawpaw - for the new mod image (You can find it on the mod database version)
Alec and Derek once again for making this game!

MIA COSTUME [posted 5/28/15]
A costume for Naija's normal form that allows Naija to steal from her mother's wardrobe and wear her clothes! They look surprisingly good on her.
(Wardrobe stealing escapade not included. Costume only.)

Mia Costume (MediaFire)

1.0 - Initial release. This changelog exists for consistency.

Alec and Derek - Making this game, and (obviously) the Mia sprites.

MORE COSTUMES [posted 5/30/15]
A collection of various sprite changes, all of which use something from the main game. This is not (currently) available on the database, with the exception of Mia Naija.
This mod, while actually several in one, does not need to be unpackaged; drop it into the _mods folder and all of them will be available.
Currently, this collection includes seven mods:
-LucienMod (turns Li into Lucien, gives Naija a Lucien's GF costume)
-MerLi (turns Li into a Mithalan merman)
-Mia Naija (seen above)
-Two Mithalan Woman Outfits
-Mithalan Priestess Outfit
-Swap (Naija and Li switch outfits... including hair!)

More Costumes (MediaFire)

1.0 - Initial release. Future releases (if any) will contain more costumes.
1.01 - Minor changes; removed unused files, *slight* change to LucienMod (hands now appear BEHIND the lower arm)

-This is getting a bit repetitive, don't you think?
« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 04:25:15 pm by thegamemaster1234 »
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Re: Always Naija Fix
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2013, 03:52:23 pm »
Hi thegamemaster1234!

Normally a quick reply would be forthcoming from False.genesis, but he's on vacation this week, and off line.  This mod seems really cool, but we'll have to wait until he's back to add it to the mod downloader.

The modding action vis-a-vis the making of "Something Like a Sequel Mod" is on bitblot irc these days, although you can check out some in-process screenshots and other info here on the forum.

Nice to see some more interest in Aquaria modding!


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Re: Always Naija Fix
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2013, 09:27:47 pm »
Thanks for the reply! I don't know how Trojan Pooh will respond to this, I hope he's OK with it. I don't want to make a negative impact on the community.

Also, you mentioned the mod downloader. Does that mean that my mod could be automatically downloaded through the Online Mod Database? If so, great!

And yeah, I know about the "Something like a sequel mod," I've read the entire forum page about it. I'm really interested in it, and I really hope it doesn't become another one of those discontinued projects that they don't even post the work they did on it so that no one can possibly pick up on it in the future. That seems to happened to a lot of possible would-be mods, and it's quite a shame, too. Please keep working on it!

P.S. I'd like to include some images, but I'm not quite sure how. Could anyone point me in the direction of a good image hosting site?

P.S.S. Ever since I used the Update Patch to get my aquaria to the newest open source version, it's been really really laggy. Like, it gives a lag spike whenever anything shoots a projectile, I do a swim dash, I go above the water level, all that; but in the earlier version, it's all nice and smooth. Also, just so you know, the chat script is faulty - whenever it's used, it throws a bunch of error messages at me, even though I'm not in dev mode and shouldn't be seeing these. I looked into the code and saw something about it throwing errors in the new engine or whatnot, but I can't even trace the errors - they all have cooking-related names, and it doesn't print the full file path so I don't get to see what's going wrong where.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 12:12:27 am by thegamemaster1234 »
Religion is a superstitious belief created by humanity in the need to understand how and why the universe exists.
Just my opinion. Not putting down religion or anything; I prefer to call it "life lessons," a kind of way for society to teach kids the difference between right and wrong.

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Re: Always Naija Fix
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2013, 03:04:01 am »
Great! :D   False.Genesis is always happy to hear about bugs!   :P

We are working on the mod steadily, although slowly.  Too much real life getting in the way...

I used Imageshack to host some of the Labyrinth mod screenshots.  Or you could try Photobucket.  You can also add photos to your post by using the insert photo icon.

Offline thegamemaster1234

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Re: Always Naija Fix
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2013, 09:35:42 pm »
Just updated the mod to have extra Beast Form support, originally the arms and legs still looked beast-like. I'm mainly just screwing around with some main game images atm, trying to see if I really can be artistic in a way...  ::) Right now I'm thinking of making some kind of costume pack where it's a bunch of resized base game files that modify Naija's regular skin, so that I can look like a tiny Mia or something. Multiple mods inside one mod file work, so having a bunch of options depending on what you want your regular Naija to be would be cool. Perhaps for some of them I could even modify Naija's skeleton, so that Naija would actually turn into a full-sized Mia (or Priest or SunkenMom or something). It would require some serious animation editing though. Or, if I'm lucky, some of the animations I need might already be there...

EDIT: Turns out the game really doesn't like it when the animations don't quite match up right... Crashes on startup. Going to try some simple image replacement for now, then modifying the animations to make the images work right. The more complex animations could be problematic, and making the animations work in general is probably going to be as hard as fixing Naija's broken animations, but hey, it sure would look cool, huh?

EDIT2: Thinking of changing the Zero Suit to a real Dual Form Li outfit. The Samus costume really DOES work, in it's own way: you shoot loads of projectiles, and ZSSamus DOES have a blaster, but it doesn't quite look like something you'd expect to find in Aquaria. I'll try to make some DFL armor and slap it on, like I did with editing the Beast Form a bit more.

EDIT3: The new DFL suit is DONE! The update comes with a new mod image, and a change of internal filenames that prevent it from (interestingly) merging with the original Always Naija mod (I was having problems with "ghost" Zero Suit parts, then I realized that for a while I was editing the original Always Naija mod). There's also a new "mod" that allows you to re-enable the Zero Suit for DFL again, just make sure you slap it on AFTER enabling the parent mod. Also, like stated, some interesting research: Mods with the same name will "merge" to create one mod. Pretty freaky. I have NO IDEA what happens if you merge two level mods together... Don't try it. I don't know what happens.

The new update will be here in a few minutes.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 06:22:14 pm by thegamemaster1234 »
Religion is a superstitious belief created by humanity in the need to understand how and why the universe exists.
Just my opinion. Not putting down religion or anything; I prefer to call it "life lessons," a kind of way for society to teach kids the difference between right and wrong.

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Re: Always Naija Fix
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2013, 01:21:40 am »
Oh, hi!
Nice to see some modding being done.
Just glimpsed over your changed files; will figure out how to integrate them properly so there won't be any trouble. Good job with the dual form li.
I have two little nitpicks: First, the new mutant head gfx are missing a row of pixels at the top; second, the dual form li suit color is a bit off. It looks kinda transparent on the first sight, the green is hard to see at first. :P Maybe some more blueish would look nicer.

EDIT: Turns out the game really doesn't like it when the animations don't quite match up right... Crashes on startup.

Yes, bone IDs and some other things are hardcoded in the game and it doesn't like them being changed. You can rearrange the bone order in the file, but the names and IDs need to stay. You can add bones, but don't remove any. If you don't want a bone to show, set rq="0".

Also, like stated, some interesting research: Mods with the same name will "merge" to create one mod. Pretty freaky. I have NO IDEA what happens if you merge two level mods together... Don't try it. I don't know what happens.

Oh, interesting... I didn't quite expect my code would do THAT. :o
But now that you've said it, it seems natural. The underlying system is designed to handle weirdness like this.
I have also never tried to pack multiple patches/mods into one file. Thanks for pointing out that this actually *works*. ;D

P.S.S. Ever since I used the Update Patch to get my aquaria to the newest open source version, it's been really really laggy. Like, it gives a lag spike whenever anything shoots a projectile, I do a swim dash, I go above the water level, all that; but in the earlier version, it's all nice and smooth. Also, just so you know, the chat script is faulty - whenever it's used, it throws a bunch of error messages at me, even though I'm not in dev mode and shouldn't be seeing these. I looked into the code and saw something about it throwing errors in the new engine or whatnot, but I can't even trace the errors - they all have cooking-related names, and it doesn't print the full file path so I don't get to see what's going wrong where.

For the sound related issues, blame Mac OSX. You're not the first one with these symptoms; does enabling sound prebuffering in the usersettings.xml file solve it?
If you find other errors, please tell or send me some logs (via PM to prevent spam).
Except "xxx: Attempt to call a nil value". These are normal.

P.S. I also made a version of this with Nude Mod compatibility. If anyone wants that, just ask me and I'll post it. It includes everything mentioned here, plus changed skin color for the Energy and Beast forms, and a really see-through Jelly costume. There's more, but let me know if you really want it first.
I don't want to have made all this work just for me.  :)

Ahm. So what about you post or send me those as well and i'll make two proper patch packs and put them on the downloader? The more we have, the better.

There's also a white halo around the hand, but I'm not fixing it.

The halo is caused by the way PNG images and OpenGL scaling work together, which is unfortunate, but easily fixable: https://github.com/fgenesis/pngrim

If you can't fix them yourself, I will do before uploading them.
Hint: Using this on *all* original aquaria gfx works wonders... Didn't get around to automate this and integrate it into the updater, but will do, eventually.

Offline thegamemaster1234

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Re: Always Naija Fix
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2013, 02:55:31 am »
Oh, hi!
Nice to see some modding being done.
Just glimpsed over your changed files; will figure out how to integrate them properly so there won't be any trouble. Good job with the dual form li.
I have two little nitpicks: First, the new mutant head gfx are missing a row of pixels at the top; second, the dual form li suit color is a bit off. It looks kinda transparent on the first sight, the green is hard to see at first. :P Maybe some more blueish would look nicer.

Yes, bone IDs and some other things are hardcoded in the game and it doesn't like them being changed. You can rearrange the bone order in the file, but the names and IDs need to stay. You can add bones, but don't remove any. If you don't want a bone to show, set rq="0".

Oh, interesting... I didn't quite expect my code would do THAT. :o
But now that you've said it, it seems natural. The underlying system is designed to handle weirdness like this.
I have also never tried to pack multiple patches/mods into one file. Thanks for pointing out that this actually *works*. ;D

For the sound related issues, blame Mac OSX. You're not the first one with these symptoms; does enabling sound prebuffering in the usersettings.xml file solve it?
If you find other errors, please tell or send me some logs (via PM to prevent spam).
Except "xxx: Attempt to call a nil value". These are normal.

Ahm. So what about you post or send me those as well and i'll make two proper patch packs and put them on the downloader? The more we have, the better.

The halo is caused by the way PNG images and OpenGL scaling work together, which is unfortunate, but easily fixable: https://github.com/fgenesis/pngrim

If you can't fix them yourself, I will do before uploading them.
Hint: Using this on *all* original aquaria gfx works wonders... Didn't get around to automate this and integrate it into the updater, but will do, eventually.

Thanks for posting!

Ok, yeah, I noticed the mutant pixels, I thought about it but was a tiny bit lazy and didn't think it looked too bad in-game, but if you really feel that it doesn't look right I'll go and fix it up.
With the DFL suit color, huh, I thought it stood out enough, if you really want it to I could change the color a bit, yeah I noticed it was a bit light but that's only because I only took the parts I needed, which happened to be light-colored. More blue? I could do that. I assure you, the suit is 100% opaque. I just wanted it to stay true to the original suit.
Also, you say something about trouble. Is it trouble with the multiple-mods-in-one kind of thing I'm doing here?

The thing about animations was because I was messing around with trying to replace Naija with Mia. After discovering that you can only change the bone graphics through skins and not skeletons, I decided to change Naija's base skeleton - but then thought about how I would have to change all the graphics for all the costumes, and gave up. Not to mention all the animations...

As for not fixing the white halo around the Fish Form "hand", that's simply because I didn't like it. I know what causes the white halos, and I can fix it really easily (select background, set brush to 1% opacity, and make an outline of the image), but it's just not one of the things that I want to focus on. Of course, if any of my edits had white halos, I would fix them right away. :P In fact, Fish Form changes are disabled by default. If YOU feel like removing that halo on your own, go ahead, just saying I'm not doing it.

For the Nude Mod support, I'm just a little bit nervous about posting it here. I haven't really been paying too much attention to it lately, either. When I said "I don't want to have made all this work just for me" I was referring to the relative inactivity of the forums. If you want to slap the regular one onto the launcher, great! For the nude one, though, I'd have to go and make a new mod icon... Censor bars are in order! xD Also, I've been using the Nude Mod as my "testing zone," so I would have to clear it out of all my little tests (one of which transformed the Urchin Costume's hands into spikes). Doing it for DFL shouldn't be hard, either, since I intentionally saved a .xcf file of the body so I could still work with the layers.

I don't know how you got sound out of the errors part, but yeah - sometimes it'll lag so much that the music resets, or all sounds shut off until I restart the game/the game shuts off of it's own accord after a while (which always seems to happen some time after that point). The errors aren't nil value ones, they go like this: "WARNING: script tried to get/call undefined instance variable CookFailure." (These errors also appear when loading maps in Sacrifice, btw) If it's possible could you have an auto-resolve feature for the non-dev version in the next patch? Something has to be done about the lag, too, I might have to turn down some of the graphics settings... :( But maybe you're right - whenever any of those events occur, there's a sound to go with it. Prebuffering the sounds would stop the game from reloading the sound every time, but of course could cause longer loading times. Would definitely be worth it though!

EDIT: Wow, the prebuffer WORKED! The game's working perfectly now! Thanks so much! Man, I never would've guessed it was something with the audio!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 03:04:53 am by thegamemaster1234 »
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Just my opinion. Not putting down religion or anything; I prefer to call it "life lessons," a kind of way for society to teach kids the difference between right and wrong.

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Re: Always Naija Fix
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2013, 04:19:29 am »
select background, set brush to 1% opacity, and make an outline of the image

That's one dirty way to "fix" it. I know someone said this was the way to go, but in fact it's bullshit. Then better don't try to fix it at all.

The thing about animations was because I was messing around with trying to replace Naija with Mia. After discovering that you can only change the bone graphics through skins and not skeletons, I decided to change Naija's base skeleton - but then thought about how I would have to change all the graphics for all the costumes, and gave up. Not to mention all the animations...

Yes, it's too bad it's that complicated. Better stay away from it.
What makes it even more complicated is that Mia's gfx are not centered around the joints, so rotation and movement looks quite jerky esp. for fast movement. You'd have to fix that first. (I did so for meatymod, feel free to take properly centered Mia gfx from there). The updated animation editor has some key combos to make fixing models easier: Hold shift to affect all keyframes, or hold Shift+Ctrl to affect all keyframes in all animations. Makes it very simple if you just need to move bones around because gfx changed, but you want to keep the animations otherwise.

Here's an extra idea:
A while ago we were discussing whether and how to improve/change the costumes system, and one possibility would have been to start with a more or less nude base naija, and add the various costume graphics on top. While this is very nasty to do in the animation editor, it's easy to do via scripting. That way, The green naija would stay the same all the time, but the clothing on top could be changed, even up to a single graphic file. This in turn would allow to build a typical RPGish equipment system where each individual component can be changed/taken off/etc.
... Long story short, we decided not to follow this idea, but it's an option for others, in case anyone likes that idea. Would be cool if you'd  provide your files also without the naija gfx below (just hide the layer or something), in case someone feels like using it. I doubt that'll happen, but you never know.

Same idea for Mia. Make a base gfx, then add clothing on top. Lots of variations for NPCs generated via scripts, without an exploding number of skin files.

For the Nude Mod support, I'm just a little bit nervous about posting it here. [...] For the nude one, though, I'd have to go and make a new mod icon... Censor bars are in order! xD

Diablodoct0r will be happy.
You're not the person who started the whole nude mod thing, no need to be nervous. ^-^
Do with it whatever you like. I'd add the censoring myself though if you didn't, as I'd like to keep the mod downloader preview images free of such things.

WARNING: script tried to get/call undefined instance variable CookFailure

Oops, this looks like something I added a few months ago. Will look into it. It's definitely wrong if it pops up as a message box, and it should only print this to the log silently when cooking failed, resulting in a sea loaf.

EDIT: Had a more or less WIP build lying around, you could try and see if it still errors out --> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22111385/crap/Aquaria_update_macosx_2013_09_04.dmg
Not tested very much though. May contain other problems, as I did a little hacking on the sound system and other things I forgot.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 04:28:14 am by False.Genesis »

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Re: Always Naija Fix
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2013, 05:30:52 am »
I tested it, works fine, BUT.. the errors are still there! Good news: They pop up a LOT faster now, so they aren't nearly as time consuming! Thanks! And it sounds a bit odd when you're firing a load of energy shots off-screen where you can't hear them hitting things, but that isn't much of an issue.

Also, the errors aren't just cookFailure. It also pops up useIngredient and getIngredientEffectString. Just so you know ;)

EDIT: The errors seem to pop up slower the longer the game is used. Maybe it's the size of the log that's slowing it?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 05:52:18 am by thegamemaster1234 »
Religion is a superstitious belief created by humanity in the need to understand how and why the universe exists.
Just my opinion. Not putting down religion or anything; I prefer to call it "life lessons," a kind of way for society to teach kids the difference between right and wrong.

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Re: Always Naija Fix
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2013, 04:37:13 pm »
Hi again, sorry but I totally forgot about this. I put it online now; plus a few changes. I didn't include the fish form and dfl -> zerosuit, but I can do so if there is the need.

About the error messages -- they appeared only in mods, right? Because I found the source for this now. Will upload fixed versions of the mods.

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Re: Always Naija Fix
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2013, 10:35:07 pm »
Hi again, sorry but I totally forgot about this. I put it online now; plus a few changes. I didn't include the fish form and dfl -> zerosuit, but I can do so if there is the need.

About the error messages -- they appeared only in mods, right? Because I found the source for this now. Will upload fixed versions of the mods.

Great! I only put in the fish form and zerosuit things in as customization options, you don't have to put them in but I think some people might like it. Good news about the source of error messages! I noticed some updates for those mods, trying them out in a bit!

Also, it seemed like this site had some heavy traffic and this place went down for a while, that prevented me from checking out how stuff was going around here.

EDIT: Tried the updated mods, only to be a bit disappointed that I was still getting errors. Of course, I still remembered that I was using an older version that you supplied me with to see if that did anything. So, after re-updating my Aquaria, I am pleased to say that it worked! Sacrifice now plays without any errors at all! THANK YOU so much that you took the time to figure out what was going on even while working on the sequel mod, which looks amazing right now from those preview images.

EDIT2: Now something about my mod. I realized that, somehow, my recolored Nature Form heads didn't make it into the mod. I've uploaded a new version with these new heads installed.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 05:59:50 pm by thegamemaster1234 »
Religion is a superstitious belief created by humanity in the need to understand how and why the universe exists.
Just my opinion. Not putting down religion or anything; I prefer to call it "life lessons," a kind of way for society to teach kids the difference between right and wrong.

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Re: thegamemaster1234's Mods
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2015, 12:50:14 am »

Updated with Mia Costume.
Religion is a superstitious belief created by humanity in the need to understand how and why the universe exists.
Just my opinion. Not putting down religion or anything; I prefer to call it "life lessons," a kind of way for society to teach kids the difference between right and wrong.

Offline FrancesF

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Re: thegamemaster1234's Mods -NEW Mia Costume-
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2015, 02:22:22 am »
Go to the top of this thread to see the costume; it's worth it to see yet another iteration of cute little Naija  ;)

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Re: thegamemaster1234's Mods -NEW More Costumes Pack-
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2015, 03:59:37 pm »

Updated with a pack of costumes previously only seen on the IRC chat. All of the contained mods have preview icons.
Scroll to the bottom of the first post to see it.
Religion is a superstitious belief created by humanity in the need to understand how and why the universe exists.
Just my opinion. Not putting down religion or anything; I prefer to call it "life lessons," a kind of way for society to teach kids the difference between right and wrong.