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Author Topic: Storyline questions *SPOILERS*  (Read 6670 times)

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Offline iustine

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Storyline questions *SPOILERS*
« on: April 27, 2008, 09:49:51 am »
Hey, brillant game, one of the best I have ever played in my life (playing since 8-bit computers). Anyway, after beating it with the secret ending and browsing a  forum some questions still don't want to leave my mind:

1) Who/what was the spirit that saved the boy and made him Creator ? It granted him his ulitmate powers so it had to be something really powerful, like a God or semi-god. Did it die with the *boy*? Or perhaps it still lives somewhere.

2) What destroyed boy's city ? Was it the like island floating in the air we can see in the ending sequence ? Is the Sunken City actually the remains of this island ?

3) Who are characters we can see in the secret ending ? A son of Naja and his wife/girlfriend ? Or perhaps both kids of Naja and Li. Where is Li by that time ?

4) What are actually these lands above the water Mia wants to conquer ? We can see only one island  in the secret ending sequence.

I know some of these questions appeared on the forum, I just want to bump them and not let them die.

Offline Alphasoldier

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Re: Storyline questions *SPOILERS*
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2008, 01:58:20 pm »
First you have to know that a LOT of these things are just still mysteries and are unexplained in the game for reason, as I've heard a lot of these thing will be explained in a sequel IF the sequel will be made.

1) The spirit came from the rocks hat destroyed the flying city, in the intro where you saw that boy on the bridge getting destroyed. Or so that's how far I've heard and thoguht.

2) You have to see the intro, click Naija in the crystal on the title screen aaaand stop skipping intros with game, most of them are awesome. :p

3) The baby is of course of Naija and Li and you also see a little girl and a boy with the flying boat ship, we knnow that the boy is indeed Naija's son and is called Lucien.

4) I think she just means the earth, seeing she can control the waters, but not the eart, so all the land is what she means, at least that's what I think... And ofcourse the flying islands.
God sees and knows everything, but at least he won't gossip about it.

Offline Glamador

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Re: Storyline questions *SPOILERS*
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2008, 06:36:54 pm »
At this point it's all just speculation, well except for question 2 which is semi-explained in the intro sequence.  Although we still don't know the ultimate cause...just the immediate one.  But the mystery is what gives us so much to talk about around here.  Speculation and picking apart the storyline are my favorite things to do outside of playing the game.  If they just gave us all the answers right off the bat what would I do with myself?

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