GAWD I'm asking for way too much help in this forum already.
I recently noticed that the only actual interesting dead end was a boss section. Going there constantly, I found that he was as hard and annoyingly overpowered as hell. I was okay with the idea of him having three lasers pop out of his eyes, but the fact that he also had the ability to spawn hundreds of jellyfish to psh me around long enough to kill me was the real problem. If I turned my attention away to the jellyfish, I would never get anywhere. Turning to the jellyboss, however, got me even faster nowhere 'cause the jellies were attacking and pushing me quick enough to kill me without me even getting a pot shot at his eye.
PLEASE tell me I'm doing something wrong and that maybe there's a much simpler solution to this whole thing! Otherwise, PLEASE tell me that he was just a sentient invincible being, a god of of extremelyhardbossiness.