Actually, there is nothing to convert to, the colorblind tests they used to have with those little balls with number in them, seen in the first picture on that site pretty much shows what's wrong. Further only colours that have a distinct color from eachother are easy to see, Dark green(0,128,0), Yellow(255,255,0), Red(255,0,0), Blue(0,0,255) White, Black.
Then the colors I can't see. It's rather funny that I can barely see the difference between Green(0,255,0) and Yellow(255,255,0). Same with Cyan(0,255,255) and White(255,255,255) and colours that are alike.
As you see I work alot of colour codes, the only things that help me with defining what color something is, I am also red-green colorblind and it can be a pain in the butt sometimes. Same with most of the colours of Aquaria, I always have to guess what bulb needs what note. Which is why I'm happy that alot of things like the Simon Sez boss has 8 tentacles placed exactly as the Notes you sing yourself. And that alot of things use the signs for the notes.
Some games don't have things like this and rely only on colour, which is very annoying, while others mind it alot and use very distinct colors, signs and figures.
Like I said, I work with color codes, the only bad thing is that I don't have color codes in real life. Oh and then there's one last thing that colorblinds have more then other people, we see better in the dark, so I guess that makes up for alot of things.