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Author Topic: Good Co-op Games!  (Read 29455 times)

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Offline Danger Mouse

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Re: Good Co-op Games!
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2008, 01:30:13 am »
I still have that game Xiagan! :) I'm definitely not going to get rid of it either. It doesn't have as much replay value as Crimsonland, but it's still fun, and certainly funny.

What I'm really interested in right now as far as CO-OP and Deathmatch games is a nice little indie gem that doesn't appear to be so little, it won first place at indiegames.com and is called Cortex Command, produced by the indie-devs over at www.datarealms.com

Definitely looks like a lot of fun!! With tons of features. I would say this is more appealing that worms 4 Mayhem or Scorched 3D, and yet it lives to the old retro 2D pixel art style. Definitely some nice eye candy to look at on the site. If you haven't already found this, you might want to go check it out! :)

Now I have 3 games I'm anxious for... : / Cortex Command, Ciellus, and Braid for pc. Blah! And to think I won't be able to download any of them until I get back to the US. :/
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 05:44:04 am by Danger Mouse »

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Re: Good Co-op Games!
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2008, 03:05:35 am »
Guys, you haven't lived if you have never played Instantaction.com's Fallen Empire Legions. It is the best online/downloadable game I've ever played. Here's the link if you're interested:


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Re: Good Co-op Games!
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2008, 04:48:01 am »
been playing Lego Batman at a friend's  house on his pc setup and it's pretty fun  :)  I've just done a couple of vehicle levels there, but at home on the wii it's a hoot, as traveller's tales has finally utilized the wiimote tracking to good effect with the batarang.  the only problem with any of the Lego games is that sharing the same screen you sometimes drag each other around and it's hard to finish objectives if there's a lot of action going down, but the upside is you both share the same screen, no split screen nonsense.
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