- Total Time Spent Online:
- 3 days, 8 hours and 8 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 154 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 9 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 4 votes
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- Gameplay
60 posts of the member's 154 posts (38.96%)60
- General
33 posts of the member's 154 posts (21.43%)33
- Modding
32 posts of the member's 154 posts (20.78%)32
- Support
12 posts of the member's 154 posts (7.79%)12
- Games
10 posts of the member's 154 posts (6.49%)10
- Off-Topic
7 posts of the member's 154 posts (4.55%)7
- Modding
32 posts of the board's 3969 posts (0.81%)0.81%
- Gameplay
60 posts of the board's 8912 posts (0.67%)0.67%
- Games
10 posts of the board's 1875 posts (0.53%)0.53%
- Support
12 posts of the board's 3242 posts (0.37%)0.37%
- General
33 posts of the board's 9407 posts (0.35%)0.35%
- Off-Topic
7 posts of the board's 2862 posts (0.24%)0.24%