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Messages - diaskeaus

Pages: [1]
Modding / Raising Pets
« on: February 15, 2008, 05:02:42 am »
I'm not a software engineer nor a modder, plus I've only been playing the game for a few days, but I just got my first pet and thought it would be cool if somebody did a mod where you could raise pets and evolve them into various forms with different powers, based on what kind of food you gave them.  The cooking system would be an excellent in-road to a system like this.  You could start with the four initial forms and based on food intake, they could transform into various kinds of sealife based on their original model.  You could probably work in a mythology as well, tying into the Aquaria worldmyth.  You could also feed them rare foods to make them stronger, faster, etc.

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