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Messages - Aquarena

Pages: [1]
Off-Topic / Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« on: February 12, 2008, 07:17:49 am »
Bill just wants to have his power back, he liked to be president. Now he can get it through his wife. I just wonder if she joined BECAUSE of Bill and not because of herself.

They are both horrible political oppertunists, and neither is above using the other's status to push their own agenda. For example, Hillary was pushing for universal healthcare back in the mid-90's and using Bill's status as POTUS to gain clout. It fizzled out ultimately, but its going to be a big deal if she gets elected. The thing about the Clintons is that they are like the Bushes, they are sleazy liars and poltical backstabbers who have no greater goal than getting their idea of what America 'should be' realized. If you're idealogically aligned with them, more power to you, but if you're in the opposing camp, well, tough luck.

While I sympathize with a lot of what Billary stands for, I think they're just too polarizing. The republican delegates have definately done the smart thing by pushing through McCain as the nominee, because he has a lot of independant and moderate support.

It seems that Obama could edge out McCain wth centrist voters, at least according to this poll: http://blogs.usatoday.com/onpolitics/2008/02/usa-todaygall-1.html

Obama is more openly religious and slightly more conservative concerning domestic issues like gay marraige and universal health care, less decisive, and generally more attractive to the American people as a whole than Clinton, who is  seen as a somewhat 'old-school' candidate, along with McCain to a lesser degree.

I could go into another rant about how old people are always the deciding factor in elections, and it would be phenonomal if the youth could come out and make a difference with a more young-person oriented candidate like Obama, but I'll just save the conjecture and leave you with the above, which is what most analyists agree is the political word on ths street right now.

EDIT: Beaten by a much more concise post by Derek...mine has a link though  ::)

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