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Messages - ilGaspa

Pages: [1]
General / Re: So whens the sequel? :p
« on: February 26, 2009, 03:19:10 pm »
Yeah, its not about criticism, its more about making something intensely personal that costs years of your life and much personal strain and then realizing that it wasn't worth it.

(sorry for the bad english)

May I ask you why you say it wasn't worth it..? I think that with Aquaria you and Derek created a masterpiece, one of the things a person should look back to and think "Look at what I've been able to do"... I would be proud if a day I'll ever be able to do something as great as what you done creating Aquaria... so why aren't you?

And speaking of the sequel..well, Aquaria it's your story, only you can decide if it has to go on or if it ends there :) As I said, I think it's a masterpiece..the ending left me sad, but I guess that just like life not all things are destined to end happily..still I'd love to know what will be of Naija, trapped inside that crystal.. If I can ask you, should you a day decide definitely that Aquaria ends there, would you tell us what you meant to say with the ending?

General / Re: Aquaria hit the P2P
« on: February 08, 2008, 10:54:14 pm »
Call me a dreamer, but maybe something can be done.. what you think of adding an entry to the main menu? Something like "Few words from the author", where you explain who are behing Bit Blow, how much love you put in the creation of the game... something like the introduction to a book that the author writes for the first page. It's not a nag screen, so it won't make anyone mad...
How would this help solve the problem? You see, I think most people that download from P2P just hear of Aquaria from a review, open thei P2P program and download it: they don't know that Bit Blot it's not EA or <put gaming monster company name here>... they don't know that every license counts, they think they are, as always, a drop in the ocean and that what they do won't hurt you: let they know who you are. Good games made with love are rare: lot of peoples would pay for Aquaria, if they only took time to know that's made by you and no by a mega-gaming-monster...
And besides..I like to know what the authors of my loved books think of their work... I think that a little "Few words from the author" screen would fit perfectly in the Aquaria atmosphere :)

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