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Messages - Silverhawk

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Buy the game
« on: May 17, 2013, 01:01:20 pm »
This game is associated with a lot of great memories for me, so it'd awesome to see it show up at the Humble Store or GOG (and it'd be something I instantly purchase). Alas, my original executable from early 2008 has long since been lost.

I wish I was more into the whole Steam thing but... eh... it's not to my liking. I do, however, somewhat routinely check the Humble Store wiki to see if Aquaria has been added, lol. I hope to see it there at some point, or at the very least in another Humble Bundle, as I missed the ones with this amazing title.


Support / Where to buy Aquaria DRM-free?
« on: May 17, 2013, 12:59:54 pm »

where can I buy Aquaria DRM-free (not Steam). The buy site from the official site is down and Plimus really sucks.
So why don't the developers Koffer this game on Humble Store, Desura or GOG? I know that Aquaria already was in a Humble Bundle and now I regret not buying it there.

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