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Messages - Julius

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Your Veil Moment
« on: January 18, 2013, 06:24:02 am »
Agree with Moons Glory. ;)

I found about existence of this game while searching "something cool to play" on Recommended Games Wiki. So i haven't read any guides/reviews/whateverelse. However, the game hasn't excited me first two hours of playing.

Yea, i expected something like a surface if i continue swam up. But i couldn't went there right after entering Open Waters (y'know, it's blocked by strong flow and steam), so i had to explore the Mithalas first. Once i gained beast form, i rushed on the full speed from this Lovecrafts nightmare to the Bright Waters. "This game can't be so brutal to send player to battle with radioactive mutants right after the Dracula's Castle. So it had to be something good", i was thinking.

My suspicions fully confirmed when i saw flat top of the map, so i was swimming as much fast as i can, avoiding freaking stars and sharks. And i jumped. And feelings of Naija became mine. And i truly loved Aquaria at this moment. I was so excited that i was leaping outta the water like a dolphin for some time.

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: January 14, 2013, 01:37:41 pm »
Hello from 2013! Anyone alive there? Whatever. ;D
Here is my pic:

This is my first artwork ever, so don't be too pushy.
Drew with pencil, digitized by taking photo (since my scanner is a cr*p), and then finished in photoshop.

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