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« on: December 01, 2008, 04:56:30 am »
The credit should go to all :D
Hi Darknight, I am guessing by your user name that you are also a fan of Batman and the new film :D

Yes, TDK is the best superhero movie and I feel extremely sorry for Heath Ledger who deserves an Academy Award. It`s a pity that no game adaptation for the blockbuster comes out.  :-\

« on: December 01, 2008, 04:49:17 am »
I think you're leaving Jenna out of the much deserved credits. Alec, Derek and Jenna definitely put the best of their talents at work for this great game. Just a worthy additional note. :)

Yeah, I`m sorry for that miss. Yes, Jenna performs well as Naija too! In China, many gameplayers like me always prefer to 2D games, especially the games like Aquaria. The more and more 3D ones maybe look more concret and real, but you`ll feel not that good and even dizzy when playing those, for instance Devil May Cry 3, and the character`s lines look very stinging and stiff. We don`t like that, not one bit. To us, Aquaria is a gospel reaffirming our faith in games. You know, the games great like Aquaria are pretty to get. So, thank you, Bit Blot, and we `re looking forward to Aquaria 2. Well done and keep on, you`re one of the best game studios!

« on: January 30, 2008, 10:12:01 am »
I do really hope Aquaria 2 to come in the near future! Thanks a lot ! :)

« on: January 30, 2008, 10:05:14 am »
I must thank bit-blot, I must thank Alex & Derek for making a superb pc game. I came from China where  castlevania and metroid are very popular, and I also like playing this kind of exploration game about mystery and fantasy for many years. Playing these games, I never thought they could be surpassed, but now I`ve changed my mind because AQUARIA did it excellently! At the moment of catching a glimpse of it, I was shocked totally! The longer I play Aquaria, the more I love it. Its details, its hue, its music and its story, so incredible! I can even play the game with the melodies--the verse! Aquaria is absolutely the best game I ever met and played and I don`t even need a distractive PSP or PS3, just need to play it  on my computer!

Aquaria will become a masterpiece and you did it by only two persons, which many big game studios can`t achieve!

Thank you and congratulations!

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