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Messages - ranapuer

Pages: [1]
Modding / Re: Something like a sequel mod
« on: September 27, 2012, 04:04:11 am »
Quick note: I haven't even finished the game yet [not even to the abyss, and it's in strong contention for my #1 game of all time] so I didn't read anything past the first half of your first post. But I have read/heard some things from Alec, and understand that the likelihood of a sequel is low. As Derek said in a podcast, he decided to put "to be continued" at the end of the true ending, knowing that the sequel might not happen because it can always be continued within a player's imagination or by the community at-large. I love the notion that someone might be taking up that role and continuing to develop this amazing game in this amazing world. With a game this good and a community this small, everything we can get matters, and I would be stoked to see any attempt at a pseudosequel from a passionate designer. I am unfortunately in no position to work on such a project in way, but I sure am going to appreciate any efforts from anyone who is.

Gameplay / Re: Your Veil Moment
« on: September 27, 2012, 03:43:27 am »
I had actually read in a review that you could reach the surface, so I knew it was coming (even just reading in a review that the world wasn't made entirely of water was a cool moment), I just didn't know when. When I first entered the area, I noticed the flat top of the map, and thought to myself 'this must be it.' I was a bit disappointed at not being able to have that impactful surprise in my game experience, so  I tried to get into the mindset of how I would think if I were being surprised and considering how this shifted the worldview of the game. So I was trying to think of this, swimming upward and regularly checking the map as I got close to the surface. However, I assumed that the top of the skybox was the surface of the water, so I thought I was a ways away from it. So even though I was expecting to hit the surface soon, I wasn't expecting it when it came into my view. When it did, everything I was thinking about went out the window and I thought 'there it is!' And then I swam to it and jumped, and while I was in the air I relaxed and just enjoyed it. I hadn't known about the slow-motion part, which was a great aspect of it, and honestly made it one of the best moments I've ever experienced in a video game.

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