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Messages - zuluhero

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: December 13, 2008, 05:35:04 pm »
Thanks for the comments guys - they really mean alot to me.  The truth is this had been sitting on my HDD for nearly a year now.  I was inspired to do it after the ending of the wonderful games, but with work commitments and other things it kinda got left on the way side (and like i said earlier i have a short attention span when it comes to my own projects :P)

When i checked the site recently and saw that 1.1.1 version of Aquaria it inspired me to finish it off.  Im currently playing through it again, which is fitting for its one year anniversary (happy birthday Aquaria!  :-*

Looks like this is going to become my christmas tradition too :)

Anyway, i've edited the original artwork a bit.  Made Li's hair darker (doh - how did i miss that one  :-\) and ive given it more of a poster feel.  I hope you like the ammendments!  :)


General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: December 13, 2008, 02:02:42 am »
Just a quick pic of the happy couple  :-*

Wish i had more time to colour it, but i have a very short attention span when it comes to personal projects!    ::)

Anyway Hope you like   :)

Gameplay / Re: Im really stuck in the abyss - please help!
« on: January 29, 2008, 03:03:22 pm »
If you are using a gamepad it may not be possible to open the gate.
And if the steam is still blocking you, you need another form you get in Mithalas. Not that hard to find if you have Nature form (kelp forest). ;)

another form in Mithalas - not just Beast form?  Hmmm....  I have nature form so ill go have another look around - without giving away too much, does it have anything to do with that one cavern (it has a save crystal in it) that Najia says something like "hmm.. i'll have to return here later..."?

You are right - i am using a Gamepad!  I used the mouse to look around in that area (with the gate) and was able to get past it!

Thanks again for all the replies guys ^^

Gameplay / Re: Im really stuck in the abyss - please help!
« on: January 28, 2008, 04:35:09 pm »
Go back to that entrance and just try fooling around, with the gate along with li..you have to get past that . !

Ahh ok - ill just try there again!  Thanks for the advice, ive really been pulling my hair out!  Its nice to know that im kinda on the right track though :)

Gameplay / Re: Im really stuck in the abyss - please help!
« on: January 28, 2008, 04:14:25 pm »
well, ive pulled up my map (and isn't it annoying that it doesn't show you which bits youve explored unless you are in the zone you want to look at?  You have to get to the zone you want to look at - then open your map :S) but anyway...

Ive obviously already explored the tunnel to the left of what i *thought* was the whale, but it leads to a man-made entrance with the same symbol as Li's cave.  I have Li with me but he doesn't do anything :S

Ive explored pretty much everywhere else (the whole map) and now the only things that seem to block me in alot of the already explored areas is steam vents.

Oh and ive found a huge jellyfish 'boss' just above the save crystal i have used, but he is far too hard for me to defeat :(

Gameplay / Im really stuck in the abyss - please help!
« on: January 28, 2008, 03:17:32 pm »

Can someone please give me a *hint* where i have to go next (just a location would be great! (like open water or kelp forest etc).  I've just got sun form and li, and im in the abyss.  I have found a..well.. thing...i 'think' its a whale?  It's 'nose' is sticking up through a crevice in the floor with spikey things each side?  It says something when you first go near to it, like "i will find you and you will worship me..."?

Ive read that i need a whale song?  but im not even sure if this IS the whale bit ive read so much about!

So i need a hint!

Sorry If im asking the same question for like the millionth time, ive already spoilt small sections for myself by using the "search" function...

Thanks again for your time 

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