Firstly, hi because I'm new and in all likelihood won't leave this thread.
Secondly, the runic script in Aquaria is cool. It's also sadly illegible. Now, I persevered for a while with "aquarian_alt.png", the big yellow lettering, and though I liked the whole "magically superimposed translation" look, it was stylistically a little jarring. So I tried this.

I swapped them around so that each Aquarian letter was replacing the Roman one it most resembled. No characters have been duplicated or modified in any major way; They have, however, been rotated and stretched to align with the English ones. Not all of them sync up perfectly ('Z' is a pertinent example - but when do you ever see a 'Z' in-game?), but I was determined to use every letter precisely once.
It doesn't look that impressive, I'll admit, but it makes for a nice alternative if you're of a similar mindset to mine. While it doesn't look exactly like English when it's written out, you can recognise words and fill in gaps - almost like Naija recalling her lost tongue

Comments of any kind would be appreciated.
Screenshots will be up soonish.
EDIT: 1) For some reason attaching doesn't work- you can get the image
here and dump it in the Aquaria/gfx directory.
2) Aquaria should totally get Steam Workshop support. Modding boom
and publicity!