General / Re: Question about buying more copies of Aquaria at the same time
« on: July 15, 2012, 07:53:06 pm »
Thanks for the info. I bough the two DVD soundtrack than, now wondering how long until it gets here to UK. Other people wrote about a month, hope its less, but I can wait 
Now I am wondering about the game itself. Any suggestion how can I buy the game for a friend? Since the CDs are not a good choice (the do look ugly), I'll probably go for the digital download then. But I mean can I just send a link to the digital download once I bough it, since you note its DRM-free?

Now I am wondering about the game itself. Any suggestion how can I buy the game for a friend? Since the CDs are not a good choice (the do look ugly), I'll probably go for the digital download then. But I mean can I just send a link to the digital download once I bough it, since you note its DRM-free?