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Messages - PiscesToAquaria

Pages: [1] 2
Gameplay / Re: Creator #5 problem - can't pull the eye out *spoiler*
« on: April 23, 2008, 01:54:17 am »
Just got here for the first time.  I was clueless for the better part of an hour, so I looked up what to do with the eye.  I did try binding it, but it never occurred to me to blind it with the sun form first.  It looks destroyed as an eye already, so the idea that a flash of light would do anything to it would never enter my head in a million years.

I figuredI had to do something with the belly mouth, but shooting was getting nowhere.  I could have sworn I was shooting in the mouth too when it was open, but whatever.  I ended up trying the spirit form, and that was a fatal mistake.  I'll let frustration subside for a week or so, then try again.  It's always easier the second time around, but I don't want to repeat this marathon sequence right away, in particular the simon-says stuff, which I hate.

General / Re: List your favorite music tracks
« on: April 22, 2008, 11:19:35 pm »

You do realize I meant Naija, right?  I can't carry a tune in a bucket, myself.  The concept of karaoke frightens me stiff.

Off-Topic / Re: Good, short sci-fi with awsome pictures: All Tomorrows
« on: March 28, 2008, 02:40:23 pm »
That's some terrific imagination, and outstanding work to bring it to life.  There is so much here.  It must have taken ages.  Kudos.

Off-Topic / Re: It's a tarp!
« on: March 13, 2008, 06:31:33 am »
Seriously if you click on the first link you see in a thread about traps, I think  you've kind of got it coming.

Alec, Derek, is this your position as well?  Should your visitors be constantly wary of potential malice in your forums?

Off-Topic / Re: It's a tarp!
« on: March 12, 2008, 09:00:05 pm »
Screw you.  And I mean that in the nastiest way.

Off-Topic / Re: colour blind gaming
« on: March 10, 2008, 02:44:49 am »
There's one link in the comments that paints 1000 words.  Those of us who can see colors normally should take a peek, for the sake of enlightenment.

Games / Re: Console poll
« on: February 14, 2008, 08:54:10 pm »
I want a better game PC, and possibly a PS3, if the game library picks up.

I have:

A 2001 PC upgraded to 2005 cutting edge, and that's as far as it will ever go
Xbox 360
PlayStation 2
Atari 800
Commodore 64

I had:

PlayStation 1
3DO (mistake)
Atari 2600

General / Re: List your favorite music tracks
« on: February 14, 2008, 08:39:54 pm »
I once had "Remains" playing in the background for an entire evening, while browsing the internet and doing other online business.  I like it that much.  I even learned to play along with it in the game.  Tried following note-for-note and harmonizing.

General / Re: Aquaria hit the P2P
« on: February 14, 2008, 08:33:03 pm »
Flooding the piracy channels with crippled versions that seem to work fine for a while would be funny.  It would be quite a shock for a pirate to suddenly see a box pop up, saying that to play on they need to buy a license from the legal distribution site.  These are eventually weeded out, but they would have an impact for a while.

General / Re: Aquaria hit the P2P
« on: February 13, 2008, 07:36:39 pm »
Holy cow.  23 Wii games?  I have 5, besides Wii Sports:  Mario Galaxy, Metroid' 3, S. Paper Mario, Zach & Wiki, and very recently No More Heroes.  I have Twilight Princess on the Gamecube.  (That really is a GC game.)  As far as I know, I'm done buying every Wii game I remotely care about.  I hope that changes in the future.

There's nothing new being said here about piracy.  It's the same arguments all over again.

General / Re: The Widescreen Thread
« on: February 11, 2008, 07:31:44 pm »
In my case, my video card / LCD aren't crap; so I can actually play the game as centered 4:3. So it never seemed like a big deal to me.

While widescreen now works visually, it still messes with the game design in ways that have yet to be fixed.

That's what I was afraid of, and is why I suggested early on that you handle widescreen resolutions by centering the 4:3 display, with black or Aquaria art on the sides.  OpenGL sort of forced your hand the other way, didn't it?  It's probably just as well, since the perception anymore is that widescreen is better.  You're probably going to need to play with scaling to get the best compromise at different aspects.

Your first sentence I could have written myself verbatim.

Gameplay / Re: Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: February 11, 2008, 07:10:27 pm »
I play with the KB/mouse, but I have been stuck in the game (here and elsewhere) because it did not occur to me to right-click on something. 
Well, that is your bad, because in the beginning of the game, in the little tutorial, you get shown that you can right-click on things if the cursor glows. ;)

Absolutely.  Hence, the head smack.  :)  I think I'll do it again.  *Smacks head* 

Gameplay / Re: Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: February 09, 2008, 05:49:25 pm »
If you have Li and it is still not working, the reason may be you, playing with a gamepad. I t works only with mouse/keyboard (known but not solved glitch). :)

I play with the KB/mouse, but I have been stuck in the game (here and elsewhere) because it did not occur to me to right-click on something.  I spent a couple of days wandering around lost after I found this door.  Then I revisited, happened to move the cursor over the door while swimming around, and saw the glowy effect on the cursor.  Head-smacking time.

General / Re: The Widescreen Thread
« on: February 09, 2008, 05:31:57 pm »
You should get the game now anyways :)  I played the entire game on my widescreen TV, at 1366x768 (you can edit a file to get any resolution you want).  Yeah, it was stretched a bit, but it still looked amazing.

My native res is the same, but I used 4:3 mode, which in effect makes the PC display 1024x768 native.  I absolutely hate horizontal stretching.  It has become ubiquitous in widescreen-TV viewing habits.  You can't go anywhere without seeing stretched scenes and faces, and some TV stations have started to broadcast 4:3 content stretched out into HD, so that the TV owner doesn't even have the option to view the correct aspect ratio.  This mass stupidity has hyper-sensitized me to aspect anomalies.  I do not tolerate them. [/rant]

General / Re: Aquaria hit the P2P
« on: February 09, 2008, 05:24:36 pm »
I think it's naive to assume that the bulk of people leeching off of torrents have a conscience.  What you mean is that the few people who bother to post on torrent sites claim to have one.  Chances are many of them do not, and the anonymous silent masses almost certainly do not.

I do agree, however, that piracy increases the mindshare a game gets.  It may be possible to capitalize on that extra awareness, with something built right into the product, which gets distributed with it regardless of venue.  What the details would be, for something like ad revenue which includes pirated copies in the overall multiplier, I have hardly a notion.  I need to punt.

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