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Messages - Panda panda1233

Pages: [1]
Aquaria for iPad / Re: Can't kill the lion in the energy temple...STUCK
« on: December 14, 2011, 05:25:45 am »
I totally appreciate you efforts but everytime I try to light up that pearl on 3rd try it doesn't set off the laser.  She glows and everything and the darn pearl does nothing.  Well if I ever get it ...thank- you!


Aquaria for iPad / Re: Can't kill the lion in the energy temple...STUCK
« on: December 14, 2011, 04:55:33 am »
Thanks I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipee

Did you do that with an iPad? I can't move that quick!  It takes me a few seconds just to get her to glow by holding down my finger on her? Is there a short-cut I am missing?

Aquaria for iPad / Re: Can't kill the lion in the energy temple...STUCK
« on: December 14, 2011, 03:25:32 am »
Aus... Did you ever get it?  I am soooooooo frustrated!!!! I can not get him the third time!!!!  Grrrrrr

Aquaria for iPad / Re: Fallen God!
« on: December 13, 2011, 01:49:56 am »
I think it's really a lack of experience... I didn't know you could load and not fire! I'll try to practice that!  And sorry for not searching... I could only view one page not sure how to scroll thru! I'll read more!  Thanks again!

Aquaria for iPad / Fallen God!
« on: December 13, 2011, 01:25:38 am »
Help!  I am new to any/all computer games so I keep getting stuck!  I can not seem to lure "fallen god" into the laser more than once before he kills me.  One of the reasons is I don't think I am quick enough at shooting at the pearl to light up the laser?  Any tips on how to get through this?  I have died over 20 times and am confused?  Any help is appreciated! Thanks! Am on ipad2.

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