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Messages - Xlator

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Aquaria to be in Humble Bundle again?
« on: November 28, 2011, 10:26:15 am »
Yes, indeed, and boy am I thankful. I purchased the bundle out of sheer boredom. I'd played Uplink once before so when I stumbled upon the bundle I thought "Why not, it's something to do for a couple of hours". Got bored of it fairly quickly. "But what is this Aquaria? I've bought it, might as well play it."

No sooner had I found my feet (or flippers) than I found myself unable to switch the game off. The more I swam and looked around, the more charming details I discovered; the more I played the more everything felt right. The music, beautiful and captivating yet never intrusive. Even listening to it as I type this I feel relaxed, as if all cares were lifted from my shoulders. I completed the game last night, and I'm almost in a state of denial. I didn't want it to end. Another playthrough is definitely on the cards. Money well spent. Few games have moved me in the way Aquaria has. It is the measure of a truly remarkable game that, after completion, one feels a sense of loss, of longing to continue, of wondering where all the hours went.

I know the game is old news and Derek and Alec have more or less moved on to other things and probably can't be bothered with anymore fauning praise and adulation, but I would be honoured to shake their hands and express my thanks for this gem of indie gamescraft in person. Sadly that isn't possible, so this will have to do:

"Good show lads. Bloody good show. Kudos. Multi million dollar budgets are irrelevant without talent, and you both have it in bundles."

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