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Messages - TheVengefulOne

Pages: [1]
Aquaria for iPad / Re: Aquaria for iPad Released! :)
« on: November 05, 2011, 09:04:07 pm »
It's annoying how all these 1 star reviews come about due to user error!

I am loving this game and the amount of content in it. The music was especially well composed and I am wondering if you are planning to release the Aquaria Original Soundtrack album on iTunes...

Also, while devouring every piece of information about Aquaria I can, I came across this line in the Press Kit, "the new journal feature, auto-saves and an improved mini-map all make their debut on iPad". How exactly do I access this journey feature on the iPad version of Aquaria?

To make Delmion's post clear, the appstore only displays the overall rating for the current version of the game. Older reviews/rating swould have to be updated manually by the people who wrote them for their ratings to show up for the  new version of the game. 

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