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Messages - Happenstance

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Support / Re: Can't hear voice acting although bizarrely..
« on: June 05, 2011, 04:57:21 am »
Operating system?
Does other sound play well and is it *just* the speech, or are other sounds affected as well?

Give some more infos please, otherwise it is even harder to track down the problem source :)

I only remember one time i had sound problems with my own builds, see here
But of course this depends on the version you have, if its 1.1.1, this will not help, as 1.1.1 still uses FMOD, and not OpenAL.

My Apologies, that was quite newbish of me lol this isn't my first time using a support forum  ;)

Operating System: MS Windows XP Professional 32-bit SP3
Sound Card: SB Live! 24-bit
Aquaria Version: 1.1.2 (via Steam)

All other sounds and music plays perfect and clear, the speech is the only thing that I've "lost". I've screwed around with my sound settings and speakers but cannot get the voice to play whatsoever. It's obviously playing if Fraps recorded it but for whatever reason.. yeah. Haven't had any similar problems with other games

Support / Can't hear voice acting although bizarrely..
« on: June 05, 2011, 04:17:13 am »
Hello all and first of all, amazing game. Absolutely adore it!

I wasn't having this problem at first but one day I loaded a save file and a part with voice acting came up.. but I heard no voice, only saw subtitles. All my settings are still turned up and I hear other sounds and music just fine.  I started a new game in thought that my game save might somehow been corrupted but there's no voice acting in it either.

Strangely, I went to record some footage of this in Fraps to upload for you guys to see but in the footage.. I can hear Naija! Even though I couldn't hear her when I was actually recording the vid, Fraps recorded her voice as if it played. It's a strange phenomenon that I can't quite wrap my head around lol any ideas? I would really love to play more and complete the game but without actually hearing Naija, it takes quite a bit of the immersion away

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