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Messages - futurewrestler

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Aquaria on XBLA or PSN?
« on: January 24, 2008, 04:07:12 am »
Personally, right now I'm more interested in making new games than doing ports

This might just be the best quote from a developer ever.  :D

Sounds like you guys are satisfied with the money you've made so far, which is great news. I'm very interested what you plan on doing next, although I'm sure it will be more than a little while before anything on it is released.

General / Re: Aquaria on XBLA or PSN?
« on: January 24, 2008, 03:46:57 am »
Well we've talked to all three.

 hmm...  :'(

Obviously we're not going to release our conversations with them here or anywhere, so how would you ever be aware that we were "pushing" or not "pushing" for it?

In the FAQ all it said was you guys were "considering" porting it to xbox 360, wii, PS, ect.  I actually didn't think you had talked to any of them.

Do you think we should organize an army and storm their corporate headquarters or something?

Maybe if you had more than 2 people...

I'm surprised-and more than a little disapointed that you've actually tried to contact all three major companies, and that none of them (or at least it looks like) have responded. Funny, I wonder what their thought process is for what games they place for download against what they don't. 

General / Re: Aquaria on XBLA or PSN?
« on: January 24, 2008, 03:33:09 am »
So beyond talking to console makers and seeing if we can sort out a deal

That's what I'm saying though.  Obviously MS/Sony isn't going to go around to random game devs (no matter how awesome their game is) and ask them to put their game up, and it doesn't really look like you guys are really pushing for a console version.

I don't understand why you aren't pushing releases where you'll get more attention for your game, rather than focusing your attention on releasing a soundtrack and a mac version.

Either way, I love to see developers that are so active on their forums : )

I'm just trying to put in my two cents, there's probably a lot I don't understand about how things like this would work. 

General / Aquaria on XBLA or PSN?
« on: January 24, 2008, 03:05:30 am »
Why don't the creators of Aquaria pushing this? Indy games have already been put avalible for download in the past and Aquaria definitely better than everything avalible for download now.  If it was on the arcade or PSN it would sell loads more than other games, even at $30. It would increase sales  for Bit-Blot and get their name out there even more so than now.

So, why aren't the devs. pushing this?  I and I'm sure a lot of other people would much rather play Aquaria from their Xbox or Playstation than from their computer.

Edit: just read the faq, and probably should have done so before I posted, but I still don't understand why a mac version is being pushed more so than a console one.  2D gamers =/= PC gamers.

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