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Messages - icowa

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: questions...
« on: January 24, 2008, 08:21:50 am »
well.. i still dunno..
i see a lot of alternate caves in the open air areas like the ice cave and the veil..
is there a form i have to unlock to reach those areas?

Gameplay / Re: questions...
« on: January 22, 2008, 02:57:34 pm »
completed the game...
this is one kick ass game..

a heart felt WOW and amazement and congratulations to the makers of this game..
it is simply damn cool..

but one last question..

*possible spoilers below guys so if you dun want curiosity spoiled, dun read further below*

I look at my treasure page and seems like I missed a lot of stuff left undiscovered.. I am pretty sure I explored all
the underwater areas (plus the small cracks my fishy form can get through) so I am pretty sure the ones I left out is the open air part in the Veil section.. seems to me on the map tat i missed out those parts with caves and stuff above water..

is there a way to explore those places above water?

Gameplay / Re: questions...
« on: January 22, 2008, 11:57:48 am »
no worries on that score..
i played over from a savepoint prior to the body glitch..

finally manage to get pass that singing octopus thing..
but now stuck at the ghost boy crying on the door in sunken city..

there is sing song symbols and singing them dun do a thing..
wha did I miss?

ps :- i already got the boy to run all the way to the door in the sunken city, BTW..
just not sure how to sink the song..

Gameplay / Re: questions...
« on: January 21, 2008, 12:19:49 pm »
ok, i am inside the whale and beside the singing octopus..
i can't figure out how to play his song..
I tried lighting up his lamp and playing the song according
to what the octopus is singing..

but nothing happens..
anyone can help me in this area?

Gameplay / Re: *MASSIVE SPOILERS* Aquaria World Map
« on: January 20, 2008, 02:12:47 pm »
Yeah, I concur with Xia, don't use the map now, even if you're stuck somewhere, find other places to go to.
It's like playing the first Metroid with a complete map next to you.

how come when i click on the map link, it doesn't show me a map..?

Gameplay / Re: questions...
« on: January 20, 2008, 01:45:19 pm »
If you've been in the body without being in the sunken city you did something that is not supposed to happen. I'm not sure if it is prevented in the latest patch...

You need a compagnion to open the door for you. Someone you find in the veil.

The whale song is written on the background wall, not to oversee I think...

ok, i found out where veil is.
i pretty much explore everywhere in veil except in the open air.

is the ghost boy in those upper air areas?

Gameplay / Re: questions...
« on: January 20, 2008, 01:06:41 pm »
If you've been in the body without being in the sunken city you did something that is not supposed to happen. I'm not sure if it is prevented in the latest patch...

You need a compagnion to open the door for you. Someone you find in the veil.

The whale song is written on the background wall, not to oversee I think...

you got that rite...
i tried to get back out of the body but kept getting stuck at that tongue thingy that bocked the entrance..
ok, a companion to open that door.
where do I find this companion... veil veil veil...
i dun remember where this veil is..

Gameplay / Re: questions...
« on: January 20, 2008, 12:05:01 pm »
The sunken city is on the abyss to the left of the entrance of the body.

It has the ruins of a human city. There are a bunch of ghosts around and many rusty pipes.

ahh.. but it is originally blocked by a gate with the symbol of an eagle right?
how do I get past that?

Gameplay / Re: questions...
« on: January 20, 2008, 11:20:40 am »
You sure must've song a song in the sunken city to a small ghost boy, haven't you?

The singing octopus is in the whale, and the whalesong is near Arnassi ruins.

arnassi ruins.. ok, i guess I'll hunt around there for the whale song then..
any more hints as to what I should look out for in the arnassi ruins that have the whale song..

and to the sunken city..
whats the place like, I am sure I explore most of the areas including the abyss by now..
but I did not go and memorise where is where..

Gameplay / Re: questions...
« on: January 20, 2008, 07:07:03 am »
Resing the song you sang for the small kid, it's what I did. =p
Dunno if that works though, I had it with complete random luck.

sang for the small kid?
mm, i dun recall singing for any small kid..?

Gameplay / questions...
« on: January 20, 2008, 04:41:59 am »
okie.. i am stuck in the section where I am suppose to break Li out of this crystal thing in "The body" map..
I got all 4 spirits but I have no idea what to do from there.. any help will be appreciated..

also, where do I go to look for the whale song notes..

and where do I go to meet this "singing octopus"?

so thanz in advance..

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