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Messages - JohnnyG

Pages: [1]
General / Re: A new world?
« on: May 10, 2009, 01:33:08 pm »
I have already found Li so I guess there's nothing else to explore there. I've finished the game 2 times before (just wanted to try out the new version of Aquaria) so I know what to find in most areas. After I saw that blue glittering I thought there was a whole new world incorporated in the new version  :P. But I guess this isn't the case? What's the purpose of that glittering then if I've already found Li and explored the whole veil?

General / A new world?
« on: May 10, 2009, 02:39:21 am »
Hey guys,

I was just playing Aquaria when I saw something new at the veil. While swimming there I saw a fish-shaped submarine. It made a weird sound and the map blinked suddenly. When I double-clicked on the map, I saw blue glittering all over the left side of the veil. Now I know that there's a whole new world to explore when an area glittering on the map. The weird thing is that I have already explored whole veil. Does this mean there's another hidden world over there that I haven't encountered yet? If so, where's the passage to it? Or is this just a bug in the game?


Support / Re: A few bugs/glitches found
« on: January 17, 2008, 10:52:45 pm »
Ah ok, I thought the patch was for fixing a few bugs in the 1.0.3 version also  :)

Support / Re: A few bugs/glitches found
« on: January 17, 2008, 10:35:13 pm »
When I extracted the .exe file and the data.oo1 to the directory I didn't backup my original .exe file so I got asked if I should replace the original .exe file with the new one and I clicked no, thinking this wasn't necessary. But from your post I guess the new exe file also adds fixes that aren't included in the data.oo1 file?

And yes I already have version 1.0.3. Does this mean I didn't have to install the patch at all?

Support / Re: A few bugs/glitches found
« on: January 17, 2008, 09:49:10 pm »
The installer is at 1.0.3. (latest patch)

This could be a stupid question but, why is there another .exe file included in the patch? I first installed the patch by only putting the data.oo1 in the directory and all fixes work properly, even without the new .exe file.

PS: Sorry for going off-topic here  :P

Now on-topic: I still can't find the topic about the 2 Li's but as I can see here there are others who has this bug also. Too bad I don't know the trigger though that causes this bug. :-\

Support / Re: A few bugs/glitches found
« on: January 14, 2008, 06:20:05 pm »
Thanks a lot for your help guys. Guess I was completely wrong thinking they were bugs  :P

@ Xiagan: A while after I got to know Li I went back to the cave I had cornered him and I actually saw two Li's swimming in there; one near the entrance and one at the end of the cave where the helmet lies, quite weird. I recall someone making a topic about this before but I can't find it at the moment.  :-\

Support / A few bugs/glitches found
« on: January 14, 2008, 04:53:12 pm »
Hi guys,

I'm new here and first of all I want to say that I truely love this game in every aspect of it. I thank the producers a lot for making such a beautiful game.  ;)

However, I've encountered 3 bugs and glitches I would like to share with you all. They're kind of spoilers so beware  ;):

1. The first one is with that shell you can sleep in. It seems that I can only sleep in it i.e. click on it when I'm in beast form. In any other form (even in normal) the cursor doesn't change when it's on the shell and I can't sleep in it.

2. The second one has to do with Li. I can't make him stop following me. The game told me that I can leave him in that cave again by right clicking on the helmet. I've clicked a hundred times on it but he's still following me. I don't know if this has to do with my progress in the game since I'm at the end of the Body where you actually need him. Also, before I made him follow me I actually saw 2 Li's in that cave  :o. I don't remember which one I picked up though.

3. The third one is more of a glitch than a bug. I've found out that you can push those blue health-jellyfish out of the water (by thrusting against them) and make them hang in mid-air outside the water  :P

And one last thing about the last patch (1.0.3):

Does anyone else also only see a token for the jelly king after installing the patch? I have defeated the mantis (assuming that's the boss of the frozen veil, right?) and i don't see any token of it on the map. And to which boss is the mergog referring to? The rest of the patch works perfectly  ;)

That's all I wanted to say and I apologize if these bugs and glitches has been posted before  :)



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