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Messages - Snaptrap

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Aquaria FAQ
« on: January 11, 2008, 02:57:05 pm »
The side effect that happens with the other games is that some of the hud panels such as a lifebar could end up closer towards the center of the screen. Basically, the guages will remain positioned as they would at the native resolution, but the actual game will be resized to fit.

Gameplay / Re: Not Buying and Here's Why
« on: January 11, 2008, 06:42:09 am »
Aquaria is too spread out for the amount of content it offers, but if there was more within the game, the length would be justified.

General / Re: Weird Underwater Creatures
« on: January 11, 2008, 06:37:01 am »
Post all your weird/awesome underwater creature pics and info here!

I'll start with this prehistoric shark that was discovered recently near Japan:

Flaring the gills that give the species its name, a frilled shark swims at Japan's Awashima Marine Park on Sunday, January 21, 2007. Sightings of living frilled sharks are rare, because the fish generally remain thousands of feet beneath the water's surface.

Video of the shark in action!  Unfortunately it died shortly only hours after it arrived at the park. :'(

Fish like this will not survive in captivity. Sadly, human ignorance is to blame for it's death. It's body was probably oversaturated with oxygen since it's gills are designed to filter large amounts due to the low oxygen at the depth levels it usually lives in.

General / Re: Aquaria FAQ
« on: January 11, 2008, 06:09:46 am »
I was wondering if it would be alright to use a hex editor and modify the game to support widescreen? I can post a tutorial if I am able to get permission and if I can accomplish this with Aquaria. I've done it with other games which don't support widescreen formats. I have the demo of Aquaria and I have no interest in prolonged playing in windowed mode.

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