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Messages - Phatz

Pages: [1]
Games / Re: Endless Ocean for the Wii
« on: January 14, 2008, 08:55:09 pm »
Yeah, the game's awesome. It's been out in europe for many months now so I've had plenty of time to complete it. Graphicaly speaking it looks great, though for some reson the occaisional species of fish has lower then usual quality tectures. In a word the game's serene.

Anybody that says Aquaria or Endless Ocean rip off of one or the other needs their head read. They're completely different, save for the fact that you swim in them both.

Gameplay / Re: Not Buying and Here's Why
« on: January 08, 2008, 11:31:43 pm »
Well OP, it's your loss. As for me, I like going from A to B and via C, D and E too, if only for the hell of it.  ;)

 ??? I highly doubt 2X copies would have been sold should the game have been truncated as you think it should have been.

Gameplay / Re: [spoilers] Rank Your Favorite Forms
« on: January 08, 2008, 11:18:43 pm »
I spent most of the game in the normal form with various costumes for the whole adorable-factor. As for my favourate alternate form... I like the nature form. It looks good, it's not useless at all and can mete out vast ammounts of damage, especialy in confined spaces, and provide a nice shield if there are no holes to duck into. Plus I like making little gardens as I travel... I like the sun form too. I generaly treat it as another costume, but it makes spotting secret areas a whole lot easier.

Games / Re: Games We've Loved...
« on: January 07, 2008, 11:36:44 pm »
Ah... My earliest gaming memories were with Mario and Duckhunt (They were on a single cartridge!) for the NES and Discworld on PC. I can't find it's CD though...  :'(  Thanks to the Discworld games, I forever ascociate the wizzard [sic] Rincewind with Eric Idle whenever I read a Rincewind novel.

Halo was an  extravagantly average game, but it had atangiable storyline which is rare in shooters.

Games / Re: Console poll
« on: January 07, 2008, 10:23:43 pm »
Let's have a thinksie...
Under my TV right now is... an Xbox and... the detachable cover-things for my Wii (My sisters temporarely stolen the actual console...).
I'm sitting at my nifty PC. It's starting to age but, through the cunning purchases of various innards + external soundcard, remains a mighty gaming machine. Surround sound (My latest upgrade) is awesome.  8)

I have had in the past:
Numerous PC's of varying computing power and graphical prowess.
My first console experience with the NES.
Followed, a long time after, with an N64 that I borrowed off a friend.
Followed by a PS2, borrowed off a different friend. Melted in my care...
Followed by my own personal GameCube.
A SNES that I borrowed for the sake of it. It's still around in fact, four years later.
A PS that I borrowed to play the FF games on.

As for the handhelds I have\had:
2x GameBoy's
GameBoy Advance
And my DS.

What I want now is an Xbox 360. Has to be a white one though, so when it stands next to my Wii it'll look like the Wii is it's illigitimate child, or gastard to use a Douglas Adams term.

Games / Re: MMORPG's?
« on: January 07, 2008, 09:53:02 pm »
Guild Wars is a good one for two reasons. Plus I own a guild (Two members) named the Guild of the Rubber Ducky.
The first is that the maximum level is 20, after which all that defines a powerful player is which skills they have and how they use them. No more grinding for the hell of it here.
The second, and most important, is that there's no subscription fee. No need to feel like you have to play it just to get your moneys worth.

I used to play Star Wars Galaxies, and it was pretty good all those years ago. That was before the "update" which surgicaly removed such features as animal taming/riding, the ability to customise how your character evolved and whatnot and instead implanted a pointless aiming system and a terrible class system where you choose your class and lose all sense of uniqueness (The worst factor of this was that jedi became an option... 50% of the new players were jedi in a galaxy where the jedi are believed to be merely fairy tales...(It used to be only ten jedi per server)). can you tell that this change vexed me (My sister, too.)?  ::)

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