Hey...me again =/. I ran this mod but it asked me for a missing msvcr100.dll which apparently has something to do with .Net framework 2.0...which as far as I knew was fine in my pc.....why would this even be related to tablet support anyway?
according to microsoft you are missing some Visual c++ files. Installing microsoft visual c++ redistributable should fix this. Not sure what version you should use but 2008 or 2010 should do the trick.
download 2008 x86:
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=9b2da534-3e03-4391-8a4d-074b9f2bc1bf&displaylang=enuhm...since it seems it would be a good idea to involve myself with this stuff I went to the SDL homepage...but I dont know what source I'm supposed to get...or what to do with it when I get it =/ help?
Edit: should have read the earlier posts.
For building sdl with watcom support just download the source and there is instructions in a file called README.Wactom. You also, according to the readme, need wmake instead of visual studio, but I have no experience with watcom or wmake so I don't really know. Also this is for the SDL 1.3 source, which is still in alpha or beta, so it can be unstable. Not sure if these files are included in the 1.2 version or not.
Also if you go for 1.2 source all the source code files are the same, just archived with different programs, so you probably want the .zip file.