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Messages - flipit

Pages: [1]
Modding / Re: Jukebox mod
« on: February 03, 2008, 07:47:59 pm »
Thank you very much frozen fire for a code to let me listen to that voice file!

:D I got Audacity working so now I can listen to lonely Eric as often as I want. Although I cut out some of it that didn't have music backing. That piano theme really needs music notes put out so I can rig my friend into learning it, so he can play it for me all the time. ;D Great song.

How do you get the Eric file to play in Audacity?  Thank you for your time!  I'm with you on learning that song on the piano, it's beautiful.

Modding / Re: Jukebox mod
« on: January 07, 2008, 04:12:58 am »
During the ending, when the creator tells the story of his past, a piano piece with the title music plays that I really want to listen to without having to beat the ending over and over.  Is there an original name to this song/can it be included in this mod?

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