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Messages - Skiffy

Pages: [1]
Modding / Concerning Sprites and greetings
« on: January 05, 2008, 02:09:29 pm »
Hello everyone,

I just recently bought this game and I've been enjoying it thoroughly.
The modding tools look very promising indeed and I hope to make some of my own levels and gameplay additions in the future.

Now to the heart of the Subject matter concerning sprites and some questions I have on the matter.

Is support for switching images on existing limbs or body parts possible when animating?
For example a character blinking his eyes or changing the limbs to be from behind instead of the front so a character can turn his back to the viewer.

Is it also possible to have image sequences for body parts triggered in animation?

Is it possible to squash and stretch limbs as well in the animations and what about bending them? I saw some nice bending on the Squid boss arms and was curious how this was pulled off.

I do love the current system but from what I have seen so far its mainly rotating and moving  images.
Or I might be mistaken and I'm just missing a button in the animation tool?

Any help in clearing this up will be most appreciated thanks !!

Aquaria ROCKS! :)

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