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Messages - rixtorin

Pages: [1] 2
Gameplay / Re: Treasure hunting help
« on: May 28, 2010, 03:29:18 pm »
Nature form isn't blocked, cool. The whole passage must be full of anenomes though, because switching to another form means you take damage. And it does it's best to slow you using currents.

Gameplay / Treasure hunting help
« on: May 28, 2010, 09:05:29 am »

Hi! I found an aquaria treasure map using google, since all the links weren't working and I've found most of the treasures without it. Anyway, I'm polishing them off with the map, and I've got a problem. There is a massive blue anenome blocking the passage. I've used spirit form to get past and see, and I found the treasure, but no blue crystal to teleport to, so I'm stumped. Also, I've got dual form, Is it used here?

Well, regardless, the crab armor does stop damage, so it's best to wear that before tackling something hard dangerous.

And I thank you for that tip on the final boss, the ingame help guide did say that spinning is used in various ways. Especially in getting rid of those leech things you find in dark areas. ;)

Actually I don't mean hard as in hard to get, although the arnassi crab is as hard in that sense as the final boss's 2nd form (and impossible if it pins you to one of the arnassi statues by unlucky mistake), I mean hard as in it stops more damage.

Speaking of the final boss's 2nd form, can you get out of his grip?

P.S. I was talking about Frog Prime in my last post here, and they're not frogs, they're mermogs. Kindly read the name of the cave next time. It was confusing. Call him Mermog Prime if you like. ???

Or you could call him Mermog-with-explosive-bum Prime. It suits him better. Or Mermog-sitting-on-weird-cannon-stone-thing-that-shoots-loads-of-bullets-every-so-often Prime. ^-^

Phew. You mean that mermog miniboss. I was about to post a question on here about him. Personally I really hated his backside barrage. Talk about projectile [            ]. Ew.

P.S. The crab armor is harder than the krotite armor.

Gameplay / Re: AAAAARGH!!! *sunken spoiler*
« on: May 20, 2010, 09:18:07 pm »

Thanks Alphasoldier! :)

Gameplay / AAAAARGH!!! *sunken spoiler*
« on: May 20, 2010, 05:36:01 pm »
There's this massive troll god thing that's appeared now the ghost boy has finished the statue, and it's completely invincible directly!
Not a single weak point. There's a dark blue woman circling it and I've tried shooting her but they go through her. So do I.
She looks a lot like the statue (before the troll smashed it) so I tried shooting the rubble but she still didn't die!
I even sang the song etched on the wall in front of the door. Well, tried. The Troll keeps doing this weird bellyflop attack when I get high up,
and I can't avoid it! Some help would be nice! Please?!

Gameplay / Re: blue egg in Kelp Forest ?
« on: May 20, 2010, 05:15:11 pm »
Thanks, Knight. That egg's  gonna come in handy. :)

Gameplay / Re: blue egg in Kelp Forest ?
« on: May 20, 2010, 02:09:45 pm »
Jumping back to the original subject, how do you get to the egg I saw But every route is blocked by massive vines and I can't get past 'em. Even in that form you can use to get past steam.

Gameplay / Re: Hidden Memories and the Secret Ending
« on: May 20, 2010, 02:02:53 pm »
What ones ya done?

Oh yeah and I found some treasures and a secret boss and some verse eggs. ;D

Thanks For the help! I get rid of him in a minute, cos right now I'm inside *insert spoiler here*

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in a whale *spoilers*
« on: May 20, 2010, 01:55:23 pm »
What are you on about? ???

Gameplay / Stuck in a whale *spoilers*
« on: May 20, 2010, 06:55:49 am »

Help! I got in the whale and found a load of jars on the floor.
I lit them in the order I found them, and they sang notes, and then I found an octopus in a mithalan home the whale had eaten,
(even though the shape of the cave outside forbidded it) and it sang.
The notes I found were in this order: Blue, Yellow, Blue-Green, Purple, Orange.
The Octopus's song dropped the Orange note and put the Purple one at the front.
I sang the notes I'd found, sang it's song, to no avail.


P.S. I found a seahorse in another house. Does that have anything to do with it?

Gameplay / Re: Where's the Simon Says boss?
« on: May 19, 2010, 09:08:37 am »
Never mind. I found him.  :D

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