General / Aquaria expansion?
« on: May 17, 2010, 09:55:48 am »
I finished the game not long ago, and I must say it is a work of art, there are very little things that could be improved. I read the stuff about the team splitting up, it's a shame really, but what I feel is that there could be room for an expansion. I'm not talking about a new game, just an expansion to the original, something like: Starcraft - Brood War, Warcraft 3 - The Frozon Throne etc, Heroes 3 - Armageddon's blade, these were very successful games even though they only improved the original games slightly, they advanced the story, and they all sold well. Please consider making an expansion for Aquaria, I feel it wouldn't require too much resources(well at least not as much as for making the original game).