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Messages - Quillithe

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Easy way to get to bubble cave
« on: May 16, 2010, 06:08:32 am »
I'm curious why everyone suggests getting to the bubble cave in the frozen veil by jumping up the left side and then across the bubbles to get to the right side.  Admittedly, I suppose this does work, but....it's really really hard compared to just eating a +1 speed food and just jumping directly up the right side, landing on the ice crystal that sticks out, and just hopping up from there.

Gameplay / Re: The Gauntlet, or how to ruin a very enjoyable game
« on: May 16, 2010, 06:03:00 am »
Personally I didn't use dual form almost at all in the gauntlet, really, imo if you want to get through the gauntlet the easy way nature form is best.
1) At the beginning of the gauntlet just swim along near the walls.  If things chase you/shoot at you drop a thorn behind yourself.
2) This makes the whole room of nautiluses (is that even how it's pluralized?) a complete non-challenge.  Just get near a wall, put thorns on either side of yourself and wait.
3) I personally just swam through the final room without bothering to fight, so I'm not sure if the thorns tactic will work there.

Nature form + narrow passageway = victory

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