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Messages - Permidion

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: blue egg in Kelp Forest ?
« on: May 18, 2010, 09:58:45 am »
Blue bulbs that show up as markers on the map, to be even more specific.

ah these
I have got nature form and found out about their usage, quite handy ;)

Gameplay / Re: blue egg in Kelp Forest ?
« on: May 17, 2010, 10:10:10 pm »
If I remember correctly, you're supposed to sing to it.

You'll get a nice surprise once you do!
Sing to it in the colour of the egg.

If I'm not mistaken, you already missed an egg in the song cave. ;)

holy ****
why didnt I though about that >_< I must be tired or something
thanks a bunch !

Might be talking about the other blue bulbs, which won't do much until you get a different form....

I know these can be used to make arcane poultice, but thats all.
ah well, I will ask again if I cant find about it by myself ^_^

Gameplay / blue egg in Kelp Forest ?
« on: May 17, 2010, 09:14:33 pm »

I have found a blue egg in the Kelp Forest, but I cant do anything with it.
I have tried to change in all the form I have at disposal but to no avail.
Is something supposed to happen when I swim pas it ?


Gameplay / Re: Help!! Loser at Jumping
« on: May 16, 2010, 02:49:55 am »
holy crap!

after trying again, I succeded, pffff

you have to jump right on the first wheel, then jump left agains the wall, then right again and WITH GREAT LUCK succeed to land on the second wheel.

after that, it's easier

I did it with the beast form, no idea if thats what allowed me to reach the second wheel, but im damn happy, it was beginning to wear me out. So far that was the hardest part of the game  >:(

Gameplay / Re: Help!! Loser at Jumping
« on: May 16, 2010, 02:40:46 am »

Im stuck with the gear jumping rooms.
I can go as far as the first room gears till the junction between the two rooms, but after that I have no idea where im supposed jumping.
 I always fall down and I have to goes back and try again.

I tried to have a look at that video Glamador posted but the link is dead, and in all the youtube video I could find about that part of the game, the players failed as much (if not more) than me.

could someone tell me exactly where im supposed to jump in the second room ?

big thanks in advance

Pages: [1]