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Messages - bronkula

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« on: January 03, 2008, 09:57:02 am »
all you have to do is charge up a nature shot, while waiting at the top of the bubble.  when he STARTS to drop bombs, send your shot toward the ceiling.  he'll let off about two bombs (hopefully in your direction) and drop.  all you have to do is turn into enrgy mode and attack one of the bombs.  they don't have to hit his belly, they just have to go off near him when he's disengaged from the ceiling.

i discovered this because li would be firing randomly and hit a bomb right as the crab fell, and he immediately returned to the ceiling, bruised.

Gameplay / Re: Turtle Cave (spoilers)
« on: January 02, 2008, 04:37:35 am »
speaking of the turtle cave, after getting the armour, has any one else jumped up to the right for the second rokh egg?

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Boss Strategies
« on: January 01, 2008, 01:23:59 pm »
your description of the arnassi crab strategy is not very thorough.  i did not have nature form when i fought him, and so the enema didn't come until i had removed his claws.  this required shooting his eyes, and then while he was down, shooting his arms, once his arms were out, if i swam high enough above him, he would jump up at me, and THEN i could give him an enema.

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