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Messages - EmperorNick

Pages: [1]
Games / Endless Ocean for the Wii
« on: January 10, 2008, 03:07:37 pm »
Submitted for your curiosity: I give you "Endless Ocean", a game for the Wii which seems strikingly similar to Aquaria minus fighting and magic...


Make of it what you will, but I think it sounds intriguing.

Gameplay / Re: Help identify this in-game creature
« on: January 07, 2008, 06:37:27 pm »
Pretty awesome, it is quite similar. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the right answer!

Gecko receives 10 internet points, redeemable for confused looks at his local internet service provider.

Pretty cool idea (with mouseover). Support'd! (Perhaps as a mod?)

General / Re: Voice Actor - Jenna Sharpe
« on: January 06, 2008, 05:36:16 am »
Unless I'm missing something from a different thread, Glamador is saying that part of the reason he did buy the game was the excellent voice acting...

Gameplay / Re: Help identify this in-game creature
« on: January 06, 2008, 05:33:59 am »
An amusing creature just got a little spooky  :-\

I tried really pressing up against them and got hurt a little like smjjames said, so they are capable of some damage.

Heeeeeeeeeeeeere momma...  :-X

I wish I knew how to mod  8)

Yep :)

I know a game is great when the map is so gigantic that my "current location" is a small white speck in a giant grey ocean and I think "Man, I wish there was more."

Also, IForgetWhereia is Australia :P

Oh and as for constructive criticism... Hmm, sharks with frickin' laser beams on their heads? Hooray for outdated Austin Powers references!

This seems as good a place as any for my gushing.

Oh wow. WOW. I just finished with all the treasures and memories, the ending is so great. I've got to say this story and the art was unbelievably gorgeous, the music was stunning - easily in the class of multimillion dollar games. The whole thing was a pleasure to play from start to finish, even the frustrating sunken city singing puzzle, the trick to which I figured out AFTER being walked through it by kind forumers, and Veil "bubble hopping" part.

Overall this is one of the best games I've ever played, and I've played some pretty damn good ones. You guys have a bright future in the industry if you play your cards right.

I cannot wait until Aquaria II: The Aquarianing (disclaimer: made up)!

P.S. Alec, I know you need Derek to return from IForgetWhereia to make a soundtrack (and even then I don't know where it fits in the priorities), I will be eagerly awaiting that particular release! The music was my favorite aspect of the game.

Gameplay / Help identify this in-game creature
« on: January 02, 2008, 04:08:17 am »
Hello folks,

Due to a childhood obsession with exotic animals I've been able to recognize (if not name) most of the creatures I see in Aquaria.

Screenshot of the angler fish is at the "tongue", just outside the entrance to the Body.
(If you're curious, the book is:)

However I have no idea what these things are:

Or why they're in bubbles, or why they shrink when I shoot them... Any help? :) You can find them in the Abyss, along the path which leads to the Sunken City. They don't seem to damage me, even when I run into and through them with wild abandon.

P.S. I don't know if this is the right place to post this topic.

Gameplay / Re: Please help me, Sunken City [SPOILERS]
« on: January 02, 2008, 12:58:35 am »
FaeDyne, those numbers don't correspond to the keyboard, Frolic numbered them arbitrarily so (s?)he could tell us the song without resorting to using pictures of each note.

***Contains significant spoilers regarding boss fighting strategy***

I beat Golem and am now at the first save point in the body! I found that mouse motion and firing isn't accurate enough for boss battles (I get my fingers all tangled :P), so I use WASD for motion and focus on shooting and dashing with the mouse; but mouse motion / firing is more comfortable for general gameplay (left hand hovers over form shortcuts). I was able to beat Golem on my second try after I figured out the pattern, relying heavily on defense foods (stock up! You should only need one at a time until the effect expires. Do they even stack?).

A good strategy is to stay low, since you can dash under his jumps and over his runs. When I was high up I couldn't see him coming until it was too late and his jump was too high to avoid. When he gets super pissed near death, stay high and go from side to side while scarfing defense foods. My dodging (and presumably most other peoples') wasn't good enough to dodge both him and the machine gun jellies. Up high you only need to dodge jellies (not too hard) and accept the occasional painful jump (insignificant with defense food). Another useful tidbit: you can go right through the lady, running into her doesn't damage you*. Thus avoiding her isn't necessary and is one less distraction during a tough fight. You should definately have all you health+ eggs by now. One last piece of advice, when he jumps at you I think the amount of damage you receive is based on how long you're in direct contact with him (not sure though).

Now that I'm no longer frustrated, I can appreciate how clever that puzzle was. the position of the notes etched in the wall give away the actual second song:

_ _ _ B
_ _ _ C

The blank sections on the wall correspond to a repeat of the three notes on the first line, with the final (fourth) note being changed. Had I figured this out PRIOR to getting the song from this forum, I wouldn't have had to rely on my (crummy) ears. I have rarely before underestimated the cleverness of a puzzle in a video game. It floors me that two people made a game this beautiful when teams of dozens or more put out substandard garbage on a regular basis.

*Not confirmed in the second half of the battle, when she shoots at you. Probably a better idea to stay far away anyways, since you can't dodge her shots from up close. Can you eat them when they're fired at you?

Thanks everyone, now I'm taking a break to enjoy some other gifts :D You've all been very helpful :)

Gameplay / Re: Please help me, Sunken City [SPOILERS]
« on: January 01, 2008, 05:54:38 pm »

I guess this would be a tough puzzle for tone deaf people!
He has no idea how right he was!

This took me forever too.

IIRC, play 4-2-1-8-4-2-1-3-4-2-1-5
This was exactly what I needed. Thanks for all the help folks! I like a forum that encourages you to figure it out for yourself, mostly avoiding direct answers. I wasn't able to in this particular instance, but it's admirable nonetheless. :D

Gameplay / Re: Please help me, Sunken City [SPOILERS]
« on: January 01, 2008, 07:37:30 am »
I tried playing the song that worked for the boy, failed. I shot her with regular and charged energy, failed. Flashed her in the sun form, failed. Shot her with regular and charged plants, failed. Swam around her amusingly with the fish and beast forms, failed. Tried playing the song in every outfit I have, failed. Played every song in my possession in every outfit I own (48 futile, time consuming iterations), failed. My current theory is that I have to match the song she's singing, which sucks for me because I barely passed the mandatory music classes in grades 7 and 8, then never took the subject again.

I just hope the body isn't as infuriating as the sunken city, or I might as well just collect the remaining treasures and stay in the warmer waters from now on  :(

(Just to be clear, I'm not blaming the game for my own incompetence at this puzzle. Only a poor carpenter blames his tools.)

Gameplay / Re: Please help me, Sunken City [SPOILERS]
« on: January 01, 2008, 03:41:56 am »
Woops, I didn't see that he was quoting you in his signature! Fixed :D Thanks for the tip, I'm going to go do that now :)

(Edit:) It worked, thanks! He's now cowering in fear by the door. I'm not sure what to do, yet again. I'm kind of aggravated by this sunken city, nothing else took me this long and I never needed help before. VERY frustrating.

Gameplay / Please help me, Sunken City [SPOILERS]
« on: January 01, 2008, 02:20:15 am »
Hello everyone. This is my first post, so I will start by showing what I have so far:

And the third cooking slot thingie.

I'll be using this map (cropped from dhakkel's world map, which I unfortunately found only just now while I was plumbing for sunken city clues O_O) with markers to indicate what I'm talking about:

First of all, there's a treasure not mentioned on the world map, the "Girl's costume". It's located at the green dot and requires spirit form to bypass the steam. I'm not sure if the mapmaker's goal is to include them all or not, but I figured I'd put that out there. It's the red bikini top (bra? I found it on a bed) on my second treasures screencap.

On to my problem. So I followed the ghost boy around, found the song etched on the wall at the red dot:

And I played it to the ghost boy, whom I found hiding at the grey dot. He followed me until we got to the lady ghost at the end of that corridor, at which point he ran off. I found him again at the purple dot, and haven't been able to make him move since. I've played the song to all the ghosts (blue dots) to no avail. I'm not sure what to do anymore, and would really appreciate some help. I assume the ghost boy needs to be brought to the door to make it open, since Naija said he must know his way around the ruins (or something to that effect).

P.S. To the makers of this game, it's one of the most beautiful I've ever played. The music is the best I've heard from a game in years, the artwork is stunning and the game is very, very fun!

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