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Messages - Maledyris

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Question about Li
« on: January 03, 2008, 07:01:22 am »
This game is really great. There are a lot of cool moments, like when you first reach the veil, and neat tricks you have to just stumble upon; like I only just realized now that you can spin to suck recipe items and health toward you! The graphics and especially the music are really good too.

But I wanted to ask a question about Li. I find that he is too smothering and I really feel we have nothing in common. I want to let him know that I think it's time we started seeing other people. How should I go about doing that?


Gameplay / Re: Aquarian Runes *spoilers*
« on: January 03, 2008, 06:47:03 am »
Took you guys long enough.  It's been possible to get most of the alphabet since mid-June. :P


I don't really get why we should wanted the alphabet in mid-june. We have the game since 1-2 days, NOW it's interesting.

Just out of curiosity, when did the game come out? I got it around Christmas.
Haha, I also deciphered the runes when I realized they were one-to-one with the alphabet on the main menu, but mainly because I thought that would be how you got special recipes!

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