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Messages - Orelon

Pages: [1]
General / Humble Indie Bundle customer
« on: May 16, 2010, 02:23:58 am »
I finally figured out my 3 ingredients problem and I would like to sound my huge appreciation of the linux version of this game. I convinced at least 4 of my acquaintances to purchase the bundle and they are very happy with Aquaria.

I am looking forward for any development from bitblot! Thanks again!

Orelon out.

Gameplay / Cooking 3 ingredients
« on: May 14, 2010, 10:02:17 am »
Hi! Humble indie bundle customer here :) I simply loved this game!

I cannot understand how to cook 3 items together, on the cooking menu there are only 2 slots, and spicy roll recipe requires 3 ingredient, I also cannot do sea roll + spicy meat to get spicy roll.

Can it only be cooked back in your home? Or am I simply missing something?

What are poisonous rolls for?

Pages: [1]